Things I Regret About My Prayer Life

Your grandmother’s prayers are still protecting you.

Here are some things that I regret not doing at a younger age and continued with it for a lifetime.

You need to keep a list of other people’s concerns. In the past I would pray for others and it would take almost an hour just to pray from my prayer list. At one point, I believed a lie, that if the Holy Spirit wanted me to pray for someone, He would bring that request to my memory and then I would pray for them. These precious people entrusted me to pray about their concerns. I had failed them and God.

Another thing I did and really regreted, keeping my prayer journals. I had so many of them. One day in a weak moment while cleaning, I threw them away. Later, I questioned myself. How could I throw them away? They were a part of my legacy. They would have been wonderful to leave these to my children. When I leave this earthly home and go to my heavenly home, it would have been something they would have treasured.

A Prayer Journal,helps you to focus on what God wants you to do or what was impressed on you. You have to be careful here and make sure you are listening to God.

Another thing I wished I had done was to keep a prayer journal for each of my children. This would have been a record of God intervening in their life at a young age or even as a baby or prayers offered up for an unborn child.

One thing I remember was a night that I asked God for a special blessing for each child. I am sure this was God putting that prayer in my heart. My youngest child was only about six months old. I had more or less forgot that prayer until God reminded me a few years later. I really enjoyed watching God move in their lives to bring about these blessings. That prayer that night formed their lives as adults. The Holy Spirit had put that prayer into my heart.

Also I wished I had done better at the dinner table. Sometimes we talked about business. I wanted my children to learn about business. A wonderful thing to discuss at the dinner table is “how did you see God move that day.”

I wished I had taught them More about prayer. I did take them through a course called, “Prayer Life” by Hunt. You can find that study at Lifeway. Also instruct them about Prayer Journals and help them get started.

Also I wished I had involved them in some of my concerns. Not all of them. Just a few. The Bible says to come to Him as little children. Yes, I would have wanted prayers taken to Him by innocent children. Can you imagine a prayer time with your child, kneeling in the presences of God.

When you are doing your Bible Study, sometimes a name is layed in your spirit. Now it may be layed on your spirit from a prayer request. But if it is one of your children, I pray it is in your spirit. If it is in your spirit, you are connecting that child spiritually. If you are keeping a journal for each child, that is something you need to add to their prayer journal. I have prayed many times for my children, Isaiah 59: 21 and Deuteronomy 6, for me and my children. Pray about the commands of God and His promises. Beloved,l put these things in your heart. Things that you pray now could envelope the following generations.