Reflect Jesus Christ

All Christians are to become more like Christ daily. Our character and principles should be like Jesus Christ. We, belonging to Christ, is proved by our works and character. All of these things should inspire others to want Christ. With the Holy Spirit within us, our life should be that of growing in Truth, Wisdom, and a Holiness of life.

We can quench the Holy Spirit and not grow in the likeness of Christ. Our love for Christ can grow dim, which is the center of all things. That is why I encourage everyone to ask God daily to put more love in their heart for Him. In I Corinthians 13:2 it is written, “And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. (NAS)

With love, we can share God’s gifts to us. Each of us is given a spiritual gift when we accept Jesus Christ. Some even have more. A list of these gifts can be found in Romans 12. You can find these listed at many sites on the internet plus test you can take to help you realize your gift.

In Matthew 5, The Sermon on the Mount, are principles of God to us. These principles are to bring glory to Christ, not us (verse 16). Then in verse 19, says to practice these principles before teaching them. How can you be a witness to someone if you do not have a principle in your heart. Be an example to someone that the Lord lays on your heart to help them realize their lack of a principle. Beloved, practice and develop your spiritual gifts and God’s Principles. We are designed for these things. In Matthew 5:5-6, shows an attitude and power under control producing meekness and gentleness,

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. In “The Bible Knowledge Commentary” it says, “recognize their need and present them to the One who is able to assist. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness have a spiritual appetite, a continuing desire for personal righteousness. The merciful extend mercy to others, thus demonstrating pure in heart are those who are inwardly clean from sin through faith in God’s provision. We can never sustain purity. God has to help us each moment. We must walk in His presence.

The Peacemakers show others how to have inward peace with God an how to be instruments of peace in the world. They desire and possess God’s righteousness.

What do others says about your gifts? If you don’t know, take the Spiritual gifts list and take them to God. Take a test online to see what gift or gifts God has given you. Study the Principles in Matthew 5. Develop them. Take one principle a day and practice that principle. You may want to show this principle to some on that lacks this principle. Be sure to show and do things with love. A lot of love. Please invite God to your sacred place (prayer room) and talk these things over with Him and then walk in the Spirit.

Reflect Jesus Christ