PROVERBS 8:34-35

Blessed is the man who listens to Me, Watching daily at My gates, waiting at my doorpost. For he who finds Me, finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.

Photo by Diana Burbridge

Beloved, if you want to be blessed by God, then you must spend time with Him. You can even be blessed by Him without saying a word. You can have a life knowing and touching His greatness. A heart bowed before Him can allow you to have the heart needed to just sit in His presence. But as His fullness becomes greater within you, it is harder to remain silent. Those few words of you adoring Him become as a perfume on His feet. All the while, your loving heart can bring God’s loving words into your heart. Listen for Him. Stay so your hearts can become one. The longer you sit with Him, the more of Him you take with you out into the world. Can others see that you have been with Jesus?