Our country is going through changes in just about every aspect of our Country’s Heritage. Also, one can watch the weather and see snow, heat, flooding rain, hurricanes,, tornadoes, and earthquakes all happening in a 24 hour period in our country (Matthew 24). I was not in shock because I knew this, but I felt something deeper in my heart. There was a physical ache and maybe grief. Beloved remember what I am about to write.

Yes, birth pains are being felt in our country and all over the world. The first way we can help our family and others we love is through prayer and obeying God at a moment’s notice.

Beloved, you were born at this time for a purpose. My purpose, the main one for this 85-year-old, is to be the Prayer Warrior for this family, He has been training me my whole life.

In the Book of Esther, God is not mentioned. But, only He can work behind the scenes in such a manner to save His people. The plot thickens with each chapter and then at the end God re…well, I will let you read it. Many would ask, “Where is God.”

In chapter 1, was it Satan whispering in Queen Vashti’s ear to bring about a vacancy or was it God pulling at her heart. No, she was not killed.

Let me make a side note here. Esther 1:13 talks of wise men. These men knew the Law for Moses and were astrologers. We are not to accept or read about astrology. All forms of astrology are not accepted by God.

In Esther 4 we see Mordecai trying to get Esther to accept the reality of the time. In verse 13 it stated, “And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for a time as this.

Read this book. Esther has only 10 chapters and some have as little as three verses. The book of Esther is full of intrigue. All the Jewish people were to be killed. God was in constant movement behind the scenes. If you want a true story to help develop your faith, Esther is the story.

When there is a change in your life, ask God, “What is the purpose.” What is your purpose in this time period? What is God preparing you to do? During this time, don’t let your eyes and heart set on negative things. Watch and see how God is working in the background for your family.

I wished I had written down how God had worked in the background for my family. Most of all the marvelous life-changing events will be lost. My children will not know about them. Maybe your’s will not be lost to your children.