Have you ever thought about God before He created the world? Can you see a Spirit of Love with glory flowing outward?
With His first thought of us, He fell in love with each of us and wanted to bathe us in that love for eternity. God knew in those first thoughts, that He would have to leave His throne. He would leave His throne, come to Earth to sacrifice Himself for us. With these thoughts He hovered over the waters of the Earth with such love while preparing our nursery.
He knew we would want to play in darkness instead of living in His glory of love.
So He came to Earth and died on a cross we made. He looked across the Earth and the future where he saw each of us. While His blood fell to Earth, He wrote our names on His nail hands. Then He rose from the dead and returned to His throne.
But His love for us did not die. That Love was put in His Spirit. God sent this Spirit of Love back to Earth to dwell in those who loved Him. This Holy Spirit of Love will dwell in His children as His engagement ring to us. His engagement ring of promise that we will be in His loving glory for eternity.