Mustard Seed

Luke 13:19 “It is like a mustard seed which a man took and threw into his own garden, and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.”

A mustard seed is so very small, but it grows very large in just one season. It grows 12-15 feet. It is so large that birds nest in its branches. This is like the church and a Christian. Both start small and grow.

The gospel of Jesus Christ started with a few people and grew to many. Throughout the centuries, God’s Words remain and they enter into the hearts of people and change them for all eternity. These people make up the church through their faith in His words.

Their faith at the beginning is very small like a mustard seed but it is still enough to move mountains. Each day our faith is to grow by studying God’s Word. We must stay in His word so His/our enemies can not touch our minds and heart. We must continue our communication with God daily so we know our path daily, and the words we are to speak. It is through prayer that we activate our spiritual eyes, ears, and help in forming our words for each day.

Now we are to do all things in the will of God. Our prayers are to be prayed in the will of God. You can read my piece titled, “Enter the Throne Room of God”, to see a way that I do this.

I do believe it is alright to talk things over with God. In Genesis 18, Abraham was concerned for Lot’s family and others in Sodom and Gomorrah. So Abraham’s concerning character talked to God. God allowed this so Abraham would know that God was loving, holy. and justified in his actions in punishing the people. By destroying everyone, the sin stopped. No one in the future there had to suffer for an eternity. If there is an age of accountability, the young went into heaven and did not grow up committing the same sin and their children. It stopped.

So a mustard seed of faith will move mountains if it is the will of God. We must first ask God in faith. If we do not ask God, our mountains may not move. Read Matthew 7:7-11.