Praying A Name Of God

Have you ever prayed any of the names of God, to God? If your heart is right and you use His names appropriately, I believe God is pleased.

First, use God’s appropriate name for what you are talking to Him about or asking. It will deepen your prayer. For example, “Jehovah Jireh,” in English means, “The God who provides” or “The Lord will provide.”

Any name of God should humble our hearts and cause us to bow our heads, but “El Shaddai” should humble our hearts and cause us to bow our heads, but “El Shaddai” should cause every part of our being to bow. For He is the “God Almighty.” The One that can overpower anyone or anything. He is the “Almighty.” He has unlimited power. That knowledge alone should cause us to confess our sins and walk in the ways of the Lord. Your God knows everything about you and has unlimited power to curse you or bless you. Read II Chronicles 20. There He blessed the king Jehoshaphat and tells of a beautiful prayer. Then later in life, Jehoshaphat aligned himself again, with the wicked king Ahab, so God corrected Jehoshaphat, and I believe, protected him.


About 1980 is when I started to pray for others and it got to the point that my prayer list became long. Praying for others would take an hour daily.

Then I thought, if God wants me to pray for all of these people, He would remind me of their names during prayer. Well, I would only remember a few.

Now, I don’t know if it was Satan that put that thought in my head or if it was my own sinful self. All I could really remember was, “Don’t grow weary of doing good.”

People had entrusted me with prayer requests for them. God had entrusted me to bring prayers to Him.

Beloved, do not grow weary of doing good.


My Lord God Almighty, your divine secrets rest in my heart and mind. Help me to continue to learn Your truth that knows no bounds for all eternity. Let me be your visible proof of what I believe. Let my harvest reveal the fruit from the seed that You planted within me. Help me to be what You designed me to be. Amen

The Eve of Darkness

Hoof Prints in the Black Sand of New Zealand

It appears that we are in the last days before the tribulation period. That which is right is now wrong and what is wrong is now right. It will become even darker before the return of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that things will be like in the days of Noah before the flood. Man’s heart has not reached that depth of darkness, but we are fast approaching it.

The children of God need to nurture our light, the Holy Spirit within us. We nurture by studying His word, praying, and worshipping. The world can snuff out our light or cause it to glow only dim.

Now is the time for our light to shine brightly and pull others into the light so that they may see Christ.