In Genesis 1:1, the word “created” is bara, which means to create out of nothing.

I have mentioned before, that in Genesis 1:2, the word hovering or moving was a verb that denotes emotion. The God of creation loves us. The Spirit of God in His love for us, moved above the water to prepare it for the word of God.

In verse 3 God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. This was not the sun. The sun was created on the fourth day. I don’t know what this light was, but I do know that light is the very essence of God.

In verse 4, we see that God separated the light from the darkness.

In verse 5, we are told that this was one day. so the earth was already on its axis. These are 24-hour days of God’s divine work. If it was 1000 years for one day, as some believe, then the plant life would have died in the night period of 500 years.

I will continue Genesis 1 tomorrow at some point. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and Friday. May God bless each one of you tomorrow in a special way designed just for you.

His Word

Beloved, in the fullness of His love, speak one to another of His word to instruct, which brings hope and joy.

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Jesus Christ, so that we can do things He planned for us long ago.

This is Shell Waterfall, which takes a 90-degree turn at the bottom of the fall. I was told it followed a fault line. We are a lot like this, in following faulty notions we feel are true. Photo by Diana Burbridge

Hovering With Love

A Beach in New Zealand Photo by Diana Burbridge

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was formless and void, and the darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving (hovering) over the surface of the waters.

The word, moving or hovering, is a verb that denotes emotion. Some say that this has to do with protection.

As a mother, I believe that if you protect, it means you love what you protect. When I first studied this verse, I thought of the world as a nursery I might prepare for one of my babies. The love that I had when preparing for one of my unborn children.

Here, God protected the earth for His child, man. He did this with love. This love is greater than how we love. God knew even before this time that we would become wicked and He would have to come to earth as Jesus to sacrifice Himself to bring us back to Himself by dying on the cross. There is no greater love.

What To Do Now

There seems to be an increase in severe weather, drought, flooding, and fires. Then we have problems with the transportation of goods and inflation. There is more to this list. As time moves to the last seven years of this time period, these things will become more frequent.

The Bible does say it will rain on the just and the unjust. But I believe that in these areas, there can be pockets of protection. To have these pockets, you want to have God’s attention before you need it. Back in the 90’s, the Lord told me, “What if your blessings of tomorrow, depended on your thankfulness today.” We are the Bride of Christ, so bend your knees and be thankful with every part of your spirit. Worship the Lord, for His love, made a way for us. Worship Him for all the promises he made to us. Worship Him for He is our King.


Jude 17-18

Devil’s Tower Photo by Diana Burbridge

Jude 17-18 But beloved, remember ye the words, which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

Jude pleaded with us to remember the teachings of the apostles. Here the Bible talks about mockers in the last days. I believe we are in the last days. Mockers have increased. Christians are put down because we don’t enjoy and join in their ungodly lust. We need to remember that they do not have the Holy Spirit to tell them what is right and wrong. We need to show them love and pray for them, but stay safe. Our voice should show the tenderness of Christ, but remain safe. The closer time becomes to the return of Jesus Christ, the bolder those without the Holy Spirit will become. Stay in prayer and stay safe.

Vigilant Watchmen

The female on the right of this picture was the guard of this herd of elk. She would let me take all the pictures I wanted if I stayed beyond a specific line she drew. Then she would chase me beyond her line. She reminded me of her line a number of times. The rest of the herd did not even stir. They had faith in her to keep them safe.

I Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour;

I want to make note of the word, “vigilant.” Think of this word as a watchman guarding a wall against the approach of an enemy.

This thought should be included in your prayer time every morning. You should ask God to open your eyes and mind as to how Satan can harm you and your family. Or if you are on any committees at church, ask the Lord to protect those committees at church. You do not have to be so burdened down with these things, but your mind must be alerted to the schemes of the devil. Ask God to alert you and you can have peace walking through enemy territory that is seeking whom they may devour.

In Due Time

I Peter 5:6

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.

If you have prayer where you do encounter the presence of God, you will be humble. (See Enter The Throne Room Of God) What else can cause you to be more humble? Your prayers and obedience have already put you “under the mighty hand of God.” No, we are not perfect, but our disobedience is not intended or consistent. Although, the Lord expects more from us.

What one must take note of are the words, “in due time”. This is especially true when being mistreated with lies. Time could mean soon or it could mean in eternity. Just remember the love and patience God has shown you. God has only promised to vindicate His children who suffer if they remain humble.


Beloved ones of Christ, we are to always be ready to defend our faith. I have seen some when doing this, be stiff-neck in their response. But Christ wants us to speak with love in a gentle way. Satan wants us to become angry, in order to stain our testimony. We might not be able to change the person’s mind who is attacking our faith, but if others are looking on, might see Christ within us. Hopefully, you had your prayer time earlier and faced this person with Christ. The way we respond to others speaks clearly of God’s love. Also, one must know when to walk away.

Read I Peter 3:16


Do you find joy in walking in the presence of God?

If you don’t, what sin do you find more enjoyable?

Guess what? God sees and knows everything about you.

So ask Jesus to forgive you and help you to overcome your sinful joy.


Opinions as to what is right and wrong change. In the past year, we have seen changes in what is right and wrong. The world wants us, as Christians, to accept some inferior standard of holiness. The world can not understand why we can not accept certain things, because they do not have the Holy Spirit to tell them what is wrong.

The Bible does say that in the last days that the world will say what is right is wrong, and what is wrong is right. So we may not be able to change the world. However, we can introduce individuals to our Jesus Christ, love them as Christ, and pray for them with all our hope for them.