Do you find joy in walking in the presence of God?

If you don’t, what sin do you find more enjoyable?

Guess what? God sees and knows everything about you.

So ask Jesus to forgive you and help you to overcome your sinful joy.


Opinions as to what is right and wrong change. In the past year, we have seen changes in what is right and wrong. The world wants us, as Christians, to accept some inferior standard of holiness. The world can not understand why we can not accept certain things, because they do not have the Holy Spirit to tell them what is wrong.

The Bible does say that in the last days that the world will say what is right is wrong, and what is wrong is right. So we may not be able to change the world. However, we can introduce individuals to our Jesus Christ, love them as Christ, and pray for them with all our hope for them.

A Baby Or Mature Christian

Beloved, no matter if we are a baby Christian or a mature Christian, we are to live in the heart of Jesus Christ. We are to be His hands and feet in this world. Pray and look where Jesus needs you to express His love. With all of this Beloved, be His voice of goodness.

view of ocean during golden hour
Photo by Александр Прокофьев on


Do you want to love Jesus so much, that this fullness of love flows from you in such a way that those around you feel it? Ask God every day to put more love in your heart for Him. You need to ask every day because the world steals this love from you. Carry God’s presence and His majesty in you to flow out. God chose you to be His treasured possession. So, ask yourself, are you living for God? Do you bring honor to God by what you do? We are to edify other Christians. We are to live for each other. We are to encourage each other. We are never to destroy another, for Christ died for them. We are to please God by acting and loving as Jesus Christ. So, ask God to put more love in your heart for Him.

Are You Allowing

Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to have an impact on you? Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to impact others around you? Our goal should be that we are so bathed in the glory of God, that He should be felt when someone walks by us.

Ephesians 3:17

So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love.

As a Christian, Christ is the owner of your heart. How comfortable is He living in your heart? What else is living in your heart? Lies? Hate? Anger? Is there room for Truth, love, compassion, and forgiveness? What is Christ living with?

Praying A Name Of God

Have you ever prayed any of the names of God, to God? If your heart is right and you use His names appropriately, I believe God is pleased.

First, use God’s appropriate name for what you are talking to Him about or asking. It will deepen your prayer. For example, “Jehovah Jireh,” in English means, “The God who provides” or “The Lord will provide.”

Any name of God should humble our hearts and cause us to bow our heads, but “El Shaddai” should humble our hearts and cause us to bow our heads, but “El Shaddai” should cause every part of our being to bow. For He is the “God Almighty.” The One that can overpower anyone or anything. He is the “Almighty.” He has unlimited power. That knowledge alone should cause us to confess our sins and walk in the ways of the Lord. Your God knows everything about you and has unlimited power to curse you or bless you. Read II Chronicles 20. There He blessed the king Jehoshaphat and tells of a beautiful prayer. Then later in life, Jehoshaphat aligned himself again, with the wicked king Ahab, so God corrected Jehoshaphat, and I believe, protected him.