Leaving Things For Those Left Behind

Have you ever thought about the people left behind after the Rapture? Have you ever prayed for the ones that would come into your house after the Rapture? Surely, I am not the only one. They may stop stealing and stay awhile. God, and maybe with your help, may help this person and their family.

The main thing to leave is information on how to be saved. You might want to leave tracks in jewelry boxes. Leave tracks in things that people will snatch and run with initially. Maybe tape some tracks on the back of packaged food with long shelf life. Pray hard about these things. God knows who He will send and your house, location, and all the work needed to get someone there.

Also, you may want to think about a book or some device that explains the book of Revelation verse by verse in a prominent place. At least a timeline of things to come.

You might want to leave them a letter, telling them of your thoughts and prayers for them.

A good medical bag is always good to have on hand, not only for you but others to come. My antibiotic ointment is rotated easily.

Beloved, pray and ask God what He wants you to do. Be sure to wait after you ask God for Him to respond. Be still and quiet. If he does not answer the first time, He may be waiting to see if you are serious. So ask again tomorrow. God always hears our prayers. We do not need to look to others to know He is with us. We only need to look within our own hearts. Others help to teach and encourage us. Even teachers need others.

Remember, the great “I AM” loves you and those during the tribulation period.



My Bible, NAS Study Bible, is being rebound. I purchased this dear friend in the 1980’s. Sometime between 5-10 years ago, I used duct tape to hold the pages together. That failed about a year ago. I stopped writting notes in it about 10 years ago because it became fragile. I should have rebounded this bible, again, sooner.

The bible I will be using is new and a Christian Standard Bible published by Holman. It is called Experiencing God. I believe Henry Blackaby, wrote the questions in it. I have gone through Blackaby’s course, “Experiencing God,” and heard him speak and read his books. I recommend anything he is a part of to take note and learn from him.

The “Forward” in this Bible is so beautiful. It starts off with the words, “Every time I open my Bible, I tremble (Is. 66:2, 5). I do so because I realize that when I open the pages of Scripture, I don’t just encounter great writing, profound truths, and timeless wisdom. I come face-to-face with the Author.” This can cause all of us to look within ourselves.

I have not trembled before I have started reading my Bible. I have trembled once I have gotten deeper into the word. I have trembled and cried because of sin, or being humbled. I have cried when I have found refuge and rest in my LORD’S words. I have cried quiet tears when our love went deep within our hearts. Those quiet tears of complete peace, rest, and bliss. Do you ever have tears when you read God’s Word?

Beloved, if you do not experience God, do what is necessary to experience Him. I want experience before I have gone to heaven to begin my eternity with my Almighty GOD.