God’s Dwelling Place

God not only dwells in our hearts, in a church but in homes worldwide. There are anointed places where the heavens open up. An area that has been saturated with worship and love for the Lord. A place of prayer. Mayer just your prayers or your family’s prayers. If you don’t have a place in your home, find one. The Holy Spirit can lead you to that place. If you don’t feel God there at first, be consistent and let God know you are serious. Serious about developing a relationship, a place for the two of you, a place to worship Him, a place that He will anoint and bless.

I used to have two places. One was in my bedroom. The other one was down the hill at the barn. The Lord chose that without me thinking about a place there. I guess I was more relaxed and could hear Him better. If He called me to Him and I was at the far end of the pasture, I would hurry and get to the barn. I can’t walk to the barn now, so I only have a place in my bedroom.

If you heard something that touched your heart or some scripture, read it softly to the Lord during this time. The Lord can take this and make it a part of the very essence of your soul. When you see how that small sentence can become so much more than what it was, His Word becomes a lifelong desire.