Throughout time, God reveals Himself to those who want to know Him. Even our world and the universe show that someone with knowledge, a knowledge that is without boundaries, made all things.

Now God did not make the earth, moons, planets, and stars for Himself, for He did not need them. God made everything for us. It was perfect. All things showed His glory. Now, I am not sure how God appears. I assume it reveals a type of Light that we cannot imagine. Maybe, it is a type of luminous light that penetrate all things beyond our comprehension.

I believe that when God made the first man and woman, they had the glory of God surrounding them. I believe, that when they disobeyed God, His glory left them and the universe. They were clothed in God’s glory, and then they were not clothed. Then they knew they were naked. Sin entered humans. From that time on, man has spiraled downward.

God is all-knowing. He knew before He started making the word that we would not have pure thoughts and actions. God knew we would enjoy loving Him and have immeasurable joy if we could be together. He knew, He would have to do something so He could look upon us. He is Holy. We are not holy.

He had a plan. He would come to earth as a baby through a virgin girl. Now the baby had God’s Spirit. God did leave some of His attributes in heaven. We call that part left in heaven, Father and/or God. His earthly part we call, Jesus. Jesus lived on earth without sin, although Satan tried His best to cause Jesus to sin. He lived without sin, even when the people of the Earth killed him by hanging him on a cross.

On the third day, He rose up from the grave alive with His body and Spirit. MANY, many people saw Him. They talked to Him. They felt the scars on His hands and feet. After 40 days, He returned to heaven. He told them that He would return one day for His children.

If you believe that Jesus did these things without a doubt, you can become a child of God. Then when God looks at you, He will see Jesus’s blood. He will not see all the unholy and bad things you have done. Then you can live in peace and happiness beyond measure in heaven.

You must believe:

  1. ” Jesus is the only one that can bring you into heaven. “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ” (I Timothy 2:5). “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
  2. Believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin.
  3. Tell Jesus Christ (Pray) that you want to turn from your sins. Confess them to Jesus and that you are sorry. Ask Jesus for help in not continuing sinful acts and thoughts.
  4. You need to tell others that you have accepted Jesus as your Savior. “If thou shall confess with thou mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9).
  5. Believe that Jesus will return.

When you do these things and believe in your heart, you will receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is sent to help you.

The Holy Bible is God’s Word. He tells of His relationship with people. It tells us the truth. The Bible gives us examples of the good things people did. It tells of the bad things people did. Also, it tells about how God responded to these things. In the New Testament of the Bible, it tells of Jesus’s life on earth and His teachings written by people who are called disciples and apostles who knew Jesus. It tells of Jesus’s teachings.

The book of John in the New Testament is a good place to start.