Photo by an unknown. Maybe from a telescope or satellite. It was forward to me years ago.

I would like to make note of what the word day means here in Genesis 1. With passages noting evening and morning, why not take a literal interpretation?

In Exodus 20:11, Moses said, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day,” therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and made it holy. A day in Moses’s time was 24 hours. This verse would have read differently if it was 1000 years for one day, for example.

II Peter 3:8 But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. This verse is talking about Christ’s return being delayed for an indefinite period of time.

Where these different times are entertained, in general, is when man tries to integrate the theory of evolution. They lack scientific proof. They say, “This connects to this. We just have not found it yet. But we know it is out there.

How can people think that God can not do something in a 24-hour period? Beloved, God is infinite and all-powerful. There is no limit.

Now, I may be able to cook and think about something else while cooking, but God is not limited. He may be able to do and think of many things at once in less than a second. When God created, He did not create this one little thing and then this one thing. God created in abundance. Reread Genesis 1. The first thing God created that was not in abundance on Earth, was Adam and Eve.

Now think about this one thing. God is helping thousands of people every second right now. Do you think you are the only one he is thinking about and helping? God is loving every human on this earth right now. He is wooing all the unbelievers right now that have not turned their hearts to stone, God is helping you and thousands of people to reach their full potential and purpose in Him. God is enjoying the worship of us on earth and those of angels in heaven. This list of things that He is doing every second of our timeline is more than we can ever know. Why do we try to put God in our little box? Just love Him and worship Him.