A Passion for Revival

Do you have a passion for a revival. Beloved, it starts with you. Pray for that revival among your family members. Revival starts with one person. That one person is you. Be the prayer warrior that starts the revival in your family.

In James 4:8a says, “Draw close to God, and He will draw close to you.” This is a beautiful promise. Your morning prayer should include this promise of hope. James 4:7, tells us how to have strength we need for each day. “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” This tells you that you can resist the devil if you submit to God first.

Beloved ones, a family revival begins with one. Be the first in your family to surrender your will to God’s will.

Start you legacy now. Begin this today. Fight for your family. Use the Word of God to fight your enemies. Jesus used the written word of God against Satan. Send forth the Word of God for your family. Do not give up. James 5:7 tells us to be patient. That verse speaks of a farmer. Be the farmer in your family. Be the spiritual farmer.