Please be willing to read all of these words to the end. There are things to ponder and questions to ask yourself.

God has put families together and slowed our lives down. Why you may ask?

The first thing is to teach us to listen to Him. To hear His voice and know it is Him. God has so much love for us and would like us to enjoy His love through Jesus Christ. He loves us so unconditionally. We can not do anything to make Him stop loving us. God can hate the things we do but His love is everlasting. He does ask us to love Him in return. In Mark 12:30 Jesus says, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strenght.” You can ask God to put more love in your heart for Him and He will do it.

Another thing that most have not done is to teach children about God. This is the perfect time to begin or add to their knowledge.

In Deuteronomy 6:7, we are commanded to teach our children. “And you shall teach them (children) diligently to your sons and shall talk to them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”

People let the public schools teach children. They do not teach the things of God. They will teach things that are not approved by God. One of the saddest things, we let church teach our children Bible stories, which is good, but how to apply those stories to their lives is generally not taught.

One of the most important things that is not taught is how to pray. Beloved, how can we not teach the children how to talk to God. Also how to praise and thank Him. What if our blessings of tomorrow depended on our thankfulness today?

Lay the foundation for them to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Teach them the plan of salvation.

This is the time for all to become closer to God. This is a time for praying. The birth pangs are becoming closer together (Matthew 24:8). Be ready through prayer. Be praying at this time for God’s protection now for your family, your jobs and your town.

There is one more thing that parents need to think about. Did you accept Jesus as your Savior at a younger age? Have you taught your children about God? Have you let your teaching become nonexistent. Are your children teens or at the age of accountability. You must tell them about Jesus. If you don’t and Jesus comes back, you will be separated from them for an eternity. (Luke 16:19-31)