Are You Afraid

Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals the secret counsel to His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7

Some Saints today are afraid of our tomorrows. Beloved, the more we pray, the more our fears dissolve. I have written about entering the throne room of God, so I will not write about that at this time. I hope to give you some hope.

Hope is fragile. It must be nutured by prayer. God wants you to sit with Him. He wants you to voice your concerns and then sit quietly and long for His presences with you. By praying about your concerns and protection, He will set in motion the leading of you to places of protection. Also, He sets His timing in place. Have you ever came upon an accident and thought, if you had been 10 seconds further down the road that you would have been in that accident, That has happened to me. I thanked God immediately.

Amos 3:7 says, “Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals the secret counsel to His servants the prophets.”

Genesis 18 tells of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. In Jeremiah 23:22-23, God says, “But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announcved My words to My people (your family)…Am I a God who is near,” declares the Lord, “and not a God far off? Can a man hide himself in hiding places, so I do not see him?” declares the Lord. “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth.” declares the Lord.

Men of God, you are the head of the family and your main focus is praying, worshipping God, listening to God, and leading your family. Serve God and others with love. Ask God to put more love in your heart for Him. Then that love will spill over to your family and others. That love will be the perfume poured over Jesus feet that will be a frangrance in the Throne Room of God.

My Unexpected 75th Birthday Party

Jim and I with our four daughters

My husband and children surprised me with a birthday party. They had Crackle Barrel cater the party with everything I liked. The cake was beautiful and tasted so good. They put together a slide show that brought back so many beautiful memories.

Due to Covid, other family members and friends drove by while I sat outside and just inside the door that opened to a covered drive. Friends said or sung Happy Birthday.

When I returned to the banquet hall, I looked across the room and thought to myself, “This is my living legacy. My living gems. Jewels that I cherish.” I thanked my Lord Jesus for blessing me so richly. There were my four daughters with their wonderful husbands and 15 of my 19 grandchildren. Also, I found out that I will be a Great Grandmother in about eight months. They all show me a tremendous amount of love. I am so blessed.

What is your legacy? Have you raised your children to love Jesus Christ? Have you lead people to Christ? Have you made disciples for Christ? Do others see Christ love for all within you? Christ loves you so much. Share His love.

My Girls


Elijah was God’s hands, feet, and spokesperson. The people worshiped Baal and there were 450 prophets that led the people in the worship of Baal. There were satanic demons behind this worship. Out of God’s mercy and love for His people, God wanted to show them that He was greater than all things. God showed them that he was “the mighty God.” God took all the power of the demons away while He showed His people His power.

Jezebel was not pleased when she heard what happened (Read I Kings 18). She sent Elijah a message She threatened to kill him in 24 hours. Elijah became terrified.

Elijah had just witnessed the power of God. He knew that God had made the demons powerless. Elijah, like Christans, who overcame in an intense spiritual battle, felt a reaction. He became weak physically, mentally and even spiritually. One needs to be prayerful after a victory in order to be prepared for temptations and attacks after a mighty work. Tenth Avenue North has a song that says that our fear has to face God. Those words touched my soul.

Out of fear, Elijah ran for his life. He left his servant in Beersheba and he went a day’s journey into the wildness. He rested under a juniper tree. Elijah was afraid and depressed to the point that he wanted God to take his life. He did not rest in God at this time. He had for 3 1/2 years before this time. Don’t judge Christians when they become fearful and discouraged. All of us at times see the circumstances instead of resting in God.

God understood Elijah’s complete exhaustion and lovingly shows His care for him in a practical way. God sent an angel to care for Elijah.

An angel prepared freshly baked bread, which was warm with plenty of water. He woke Elijah and told him to eat. Then Elijah went back to sleep.

After Elijah slept, the angel woke him again. The angel urged Elijah to eat again because Elijah’s journey would be long.

God waited until Elijah was refreshed by the food and sleep. Elijah traveled for 40 days and nights. Elijah wondered because he was still afraid and depressed, but he went to the same mountain where God revealed Himself to Moses. Elijah found a cave and went into it. The Lord began to reveal Himself to Elijah. God began by asking a question so that Elijah would speak to Him. God never wants His children to repress questions or feelings. God desires that we pour them out in prayer to Him.

Elijah, once again felt fear. He told God that he was the only one left that worshiped Him. He felt like a failure. God did not put Elijah down. God only showed Elijah His power out side the cave. God did not speak to Elijah until he returned to the cave. Then he heard that gentle whisper in the same way we hear God as Christians. Be still and be confident that God is with you.

I left many things out of this post. Please read I Kings 18 and 19.

A Time Like This

Many questions are being tossed around about God and why He is allowing this virus. Some ask, “Why my loved one?”

We do not have the mind of God. So how can we judge Him? We did not create all that is. It is not our place to be angry with the Creator. In Romans 8:22, it says, ” For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pain of childbirth together until now”]. Also, in Matthew 5:45B. Jesus says, “in order that you may be Sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Adam sinned after creation and caused all mankind to suffer. God can not look upon sin. God did come to earth to die and allow His blood to cover us. My mind has a problem trying to grasp why God chose to save us in this way. But He did and I should respond to his sacrifice with love.

The one thing I believe about this virus is that it will make us stronger. Also, God may have allowed this to happen in order to protect people from a future filled with whatever, Or God may have wanted them home so they could be near Him to love them in heaven. We are in two wars. One that President Trump mentioned. He said we are at war with something we can not see. He was talking about this virus. Also, we are in a spiritual war. Another one we can not see.

This may be birth pains as mentioned in Matthew 24. I do believe this is what we are experiencing. After this period we will begin Revelation, chapter 4 to the end of our time.

You may ask why., You will find that answer in Ephesians 6:10-12. Ephesians 3:10 tells about our warfare and that we are proving to the angels. Angels do not have the Holy Spirit within them so they do not understand how we can love Jesus and not see Him and still love Him when bad things happen to them. This is why our reward will be great. May the Lord give you the strength to endure

Allow the Holy Spirit to bring comfort to you. Pray Psalm 91. Spend time in prayer. The mature Christian is to guide and help baby Christians. In times like these, the mature Christian is being watched. It is important to react to suffering in a way that brings peace and comfort to others. We need to bring understanding and help others to grow. This is a time to help others see and feel the presence of God in each others lives.

Beloved, you are set apart for times like these. You are endowed with the Spirit of God to show peace and love in times like we now face. It is especially important for us to reflect Christ. For you are being watched to see how you react to our own crisis. It is a time to speak boldly about Jesus in all circumstances. Be in prayer and ask God to breathe on your words. Ask God to increase your wisdom so you can be confident in your guiding words and for them to flourish.

I will be praying for all who read my post. I appreciate your prayers too. I have autoimmune problems. I do have to go to my cancer doctor this week for a shot. My husband went to work this morning, so that is in the mix of things. I have a daughter that is a nurse practitioner. They closed her clinic and is having her to go to another town to test people for this virus. My list goes on just like all of you. My Beloved Ones, bathe in God’s glory and be prayerful.

God Proved To Me That He Knows You Before You Are Born

Many years ago, I was looking at a magazine and when I turned on a certain page, God spoke to me. It was an advertisement for a certain collector’s plate. The plate had a red-headed curly-haired child as an angel on it. God spoked to me and said, “You will have a grandchild like the one pictured here.”

My child that God chose to have this blessing was only in the seventh grade when I first saw the picture in that magazine. I began praying for this child at the point of seeing her picture on that plate. I do not remember if God told me what to name her then or later.

When my youngest child became engaged, I asked her about naming her future daughter this certain name. She said, ” I don*t know.” Then she said her full name with what her married name w3ould be. Then she said what her full name would be aloud. Both of us could not believe what we just heard. She immediately called her husband to be and asked him. He said yes. even

It was a couple of years before she had a child. She had a little girl and they named her the name God told me. This child’s heart was touched by God. All who meet her speaks of her heart, how special she is and this goodness about her.

She is 21 years old now. I am so honored and blessed by God through this child of His. I do not know what God has in store for her, but it must be so very special.

(I will not give out her name, She must be allowed to spend more time with the Lord and mature even more as His child.)

Do Not Lose Heart

One might ask why I have been writing about pain. Everyone will experience pain throughout their life. The reason that I write about my pain, is to show you that there is hope. To show you that you are not alone in your storm. I will not write about all of my pain because I would cause pain for others. What I have written should be enough to show you that I understand your pain. If you read something, you might say to yourself, “She can’t understand what I am going through. She would not love Jesus if she was going through my pain.” Beloved, everyone will go through challenges. The question is who is going through therm with you.

Let me add one more thing. Every time God calls you to do something no matter how small or large, you will have a crisis. The intensity of the crisis will depend on what God ask of you. Your crisis will be matched plus a little more to what God wants you to do. At the beginning the scales will be tilted in favor of Satan, When you are alone on that scale, there is such a difference. With prayer the scale will change the tilt. Then when Christ enters your circumstance, the scales move in your favor.

Sometimes I may write down a thought. One thought may be just one sentence. Sometimes a few sentences. They may be on a different piece of paper. Sometimes these thoughts are disjointed. I would like to share what I wrote down this week. t There is no flow or rhyming. Just some thoughts,

My Lord,Your voice is like a whisper in my heart. You are always there, whispering. You break through my hurt and pain. You remind me that I am yours…You give me new life with your breath. You renew my heart and mind. You take my tears and put them in your heart,. Then You give my heart a new song. You have inscribed in my heart, Your love and faithfulness. Why do I allow worries to enter my heart for I know You are with me. For deep in Your heart I see my name,. In that Holy silence we share our hearts. You know my name. When I look in Your heart, I see Your blessings. I will look back and see Your love. I will look back and see how you use my suffering for Your glory. I will see Your suffering more clearly. I will have your love within all my being.


This is a picture of my spina bifida child. There is so much joy in her.

God has a purpose for your pain. A reason for your struggles, and a reward for you being faithful. Don’t give up. Amen

I do not know who said the above, but I believe it. I have seen the pain my daughter endured. I have endless pain and can not take many medications that are given to us by the doctors. But I do know that I have a loving God. Yesterday I experienced God filling my heart to the point that I thought my chest would split wide open. As I mention in “Enter The Throne Room of God” I completely forgot to ask God to heal me. All I could do was cry tears of love. Now during this time with the Lord, there was no pain. But there was pain after the time with God. When I went to my Bible Study last night (Bible Study Fellowship)., I was in pain and was shaking when I arrived at my classroom. I did not notice when it all stopped. One of the ladies mentioned that I was not shaking. There was a lot of joy in that room for our Lord Jesus. We talked about it for a moment. One may not know if someone is watching you. You may be an inspiration to others. You may be an answer to someone’s prayer. That is why I must trust God while enduring endless pain.

There are so many in this world that suffers endless physical pain. And just as many suffering emotionally, mental and spiritual pain. This is the main reason I started this blog. My Hope is that by sharing things in my life, it may help others find courage. It helps to know that you are not the only one suffering. You are never alone. Jesus can be with you.

What do you say to the God of all? What do you say to the God you love? What do you say to the Creator of all things? What do you say to a presence of Love when it is unfolding within you. What do you say to the one that broke down your walls to save you? What do you say to the beauty of God’s Love which heals your soul and spirit?

I know many do not understand these things. Even Christians may not understand. I only know if you endure these things, Jesus will reward you. But we do not do things for a reward. We do things to prove to the world and the heavens that no matter what happens, we love our Lord Jesus. (Ephesians 3:10) Let everyone see You in me.

I will lift my eyes to you, my Lord. In my pain, I will rest in Your loving arms. Even Your shadow brings comfort. Council me while I sleep (Psalm 16:7). Let Your mercy always be upon me. Open my heart and show me Your will. I surrender my will to You. Help me to live in Your will. Give me the courage to fulfill your will. Forgive me of all my sins so that you may fill and live in my heart for an eternity. I was lost and you found me. Thank you my Lord Jesus.

Such sweet courage.

I have seen this child curled up on the floor crying in pain. I have seen her when a sheet on the bed caused her pain. I remember her saying, “God knows what He is doing. I remember the car spinning and spinning and heading for an overpass and she cried out “Jesus Save Us Now.” In an instant, Jesus did save us. It was like he took the car and parked it on the side of the road. Precious memories to praise God.