Courage To Prevail Above Circumstances

Beloved, do you know what courage looks like? I don’t know how to teach others about courage, especially children. In my case, it was some of my children that showed me what courage should look like. One might say that courage comes from trusting God, but I believe it goes further than just trusting God. A heart and a spirit must be close to the Spirit of God. I do not know if it is a person drawing near to God or if God pulls one close to Himself or both. I believe God must plant courage in a person.

In a matter of three weeks, my child with Spina Bifida had her first surgery and we found out that my oldest daughter had cancer. My child with spine problems was a perfect patient for the first day. After surgery, she would not take any medicine. I think the Lord let us know why. The last thing she remembered was taking some medicine, and did not remember anything about going to surgery. Now, she did not feel good. After we explained things to her, she was back to her courageous self. After 7 days we checked out of the hospital. We stopped at a store to get her some different PJ’s. The ones we had was difficult getting off and on because of the surgery. At one point, my husband came to me and said we had to go. He showed me a wire that was sticking out of her bandages. It scared me. My husband called the hospital and they told us not to worry.

The following week my oldest daughter started to have severe pain. I took her to the doctor. He did not know what was happening. I don’t remember what he prescribed. The following weekend was Easter. We went to church. She started to see double. Monday I contacted the doctor and she was admitted to the hospital. After x-rays were taken, he saw something in her lungs, on her liver and something in the spine and brain. She was transferred to the Children’s Hospital. We were told she had cancer and had about six months to live. I witnessed courage in the faces of my children. I experienced God’s strength.

This is yet another time I felt that stabbing pain in my heart (other times are mentioned in other articles). It was God that gave me the strength to endure the next 18 months. There were five times that I had both of these children in the hospital at the same time. Plus the endless other times we had to be there. The children’s hospital was just beginning its progress forward. There were no chairs one could rest on. The chairs were hard plastic chairs found in cafeterias I had a pillow and a sheet to help me sleep on the floor and now and then under her bed. That first visit was for three weeks long. When you have a team of doctors, they do not always agree. Many things had to be sorted out.

The nurses, doctors or God would put us in a room when parents needed help to cope and help with their emotions. I assume that were the reasons. Only once did I ask for us to be in a different room. It was with a little girl that would die that night. I even heard a nurse talk to the mother saying that she could go home because there was nothing she could do. I am thankful that my husband was there. He would help our daughter and I would help the other little girl. She needed her mother. After hours of this, is when I asked them to move us. It was hard, but I did not want my daughter watching this little girl die. I did not leave this little girl with no one. A nurse came and stayed with her.

I do believe that God gave us strength and maybe by helping others, we did not just focus on our problems. The Lord raised us up above our problems and had us love these other children. Some of them will always be in my heart. One was a little girl that was 18 months old. The same age as my youngest daughter. I talked to the nurse The nurse said that her grandmother brought her to the hospital and left. She expected her to die. I do not really know what righteous anger is, but I felt anger that this precious child was left to die. I decided that would not happen on my watch. She did not die.

A question for times like these is, “What does God want me to do and be God’s hands. Can my heart show God’s love in these situations.? “Many times, there were not many words said. I still remember the eyes of many of these children, especially the one that did not make it. I saw the 18-month-old child a year later and she looked well. Of course, she wasn’t, but she had life in her eyes.

There was a baby that had a heartbreaking situation. The dad had thrown him up against the wall. I told the nurses that they needed to give me the baby, so he would never be hurt again. I don’t remember if I said anything else. That evening or the next day, I went to get a drink and I noticed that 4-5 of my daughter’s doctors were headed toward our room. When you get that many doctors coming your way, something is wrong. I have seen this before. I can make a list of what generates this stance, One time it was me. They said they were going to bar me from the Medical Library. All was well with my daughter. It was me. They wanted to talk to me about the baby. They told me that I did not need this baby because I had enough on my plate. I just listened.

We had to go to the hospital every four weeks and would go back when problems arose So there were many children that needed Christ’s love, My only regret was that I was not a mature Christian. I could have done more.

I told you some of my experiences for one reason. No matter your situation, you can be the hands and heart of Jesus no matter if you are a baby Christian or a mature Christian. Pray and look where Jesus needs to express His love through you. Jesus will strengthen you for you know Jesus. Most of the parents at the hospital did not know Jesus. All the children were precious to Jesus.

We are to show the love of Jesus to whomever God puts in our path. John13:34-35 and Matthew 5:43-45

Matthew 13:34-35 (NAS) “A new commandment, I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, all men will know that you are my disciples if you have loved one another.

Matthew 5:43-48 (NAS) You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the righteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax-gathers do the same. And if you greet your brothers only, what do you do more than others? therefore you are to be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect. So we are to love everyone and pray for those God puts in our life. Then there is the last verse which calls us to be perfect. No one is without sin but we are to be moving forward toward maturity. We are to strive to be perfect.

When my daughter died from cancer, I was approached by those that were touched by her. I did not know how she continued to help even with her cancer growing so fast throughout her body. She still cared for others and helped them. This one lady that lived at the end of our road told me that this daughter had the maturity of an adult. The lady said that she had lost her baby. My daughter helped her through her depression. I was not told by my daughter what she was doing. My daughter turned 13 in the hospital when we first found out about her cancer. She was fourteen and a half to the day when she died. When did she become so wise?

As I said earlier, God kept us busy at the hospital to help us to focus on Him. Looking back I wished I had understood more about rising above our problems. You rise above them by focusing on Christ. Jesus was so gentle with us. When people thought times were bad, there were good times. There was the light of Jesus. People became stronger. Some were going through problems. Some people accepted Christ as their Savior.

The Lord kept us from pity. To pity yourself and want others to feel sorry for you is not how Christ wants you to respond. Yes, there may be days that you feel down. A person is exhausted and somewhat in shock at times. Again, the Lord kept us busy.

The week before our daughter died, my husband was at his job as an electrician. He was working 20-feet up on a ladder. All the wires were supposed to be dead. They were not. He knocked himself off the wire by hitting his hand with a wrench. He layed on the floor for 20 minutes before anyone came back to that part of the plant. They called me when he got to the hospital. I could not leave because the daughter with cancer thought she was upside down when she got out of the bed. I had to find someone to take care of her and be by her when I left. I got to my husband when the surgery was over and he was awake. I did not know what had happened until then. The next day, I had to take my daughter to the Children’s Hospital about 60 miles away. Two days later he was with me and our daughter. So he was there when she died.

The winter that followed was filled with sick children. One child would bring some virus home and it would go through all the children. When the last one would be well, someone would bring something else home. This happened throughout the winter. To add to this, my husband’s wrist would not heal. They decided to have him be hooked to a machine that produced electrical impulses to mimic the brain telling the wrist to heal.

The Lord took care of us financially. About two or three weeks after my husband had his accident, most of the factory shut down. Since his accident happened before the shutdown, his workman’s comp paid us 70% of his pay. When summer arrived, we decided we were going to travel, The doctors said he could travel just as long he stayed hooked up to the machine for his broken wrist for about 15 hours a day. So we got something for the car to keep a charge on the machine. This was a special time. We traveled for 5 weeks. My husband bought me a new camera, so I got to record our journey. Now, this was before digital cameras. We had film that had to be sent off and developed. This was a very special time for all of us.

God was with us through all of our problems. If you praise God through hard times, you will rise above your problems. If you do not, then you allow your problems to make you a victim. You must focus on Christ, keep praying and praise God. God can take an insignificant thing and make it powerful. God knows how to make your life have an impact.

When my spina bifida child was 16, she had to have another surgery. The doctors let her pain get out of control. The sheet would cause her pain when it was laid on her. I said something like I was sorry that I could not do anything to help her. What she said to me made a lasting impact on me. I will always remember her words. She said, “God knows what He is doing.” I went to the window and looked out of it. I did not want her to see my tears. I have said those words to myself so many times. Those words have carried me through many trails.

God knows when you are angry at a situation or with someone, especially to other Christians. Remember when Saul was on the road to Damascus, and what Jesus said to Saul? In Acts 9:4 Jesus says, “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting Me?” Jesus knows everything and how you react to things and what your motives are in your heart. Jesus did not ask why he was persecuting His children. He asked why he was persecuting Him. So what we do to other Christians, we do to Jesus. If you focus on Christ during times of trouble, you can walk in peace and your eyes and ears will be opened. People will not understand how you can manage to be calm. You will walk in peace that surpasses all understanding. As a Christian who is walking in the will of God, you will have difficulties. You must make a choice to not let these difficulties crush you.

Who is the most effective witness for Christ? The one that has accepted Jesus as their Savior. Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? If you choose Jesus Christ, you can be empowered and carry peace within you. Praise and Thank God that you can live in heaven for eternity. In heaven, there is no sickness or tears

This is an Easter Picture taken one day before my cancer daughter went into the hospital, She is sitting on my mother’s left. My spinal Bifida child has her fingers in her mouth. The baby is my youngest child.


I started, “Enter The Throne Room of God with these words:

In an instant, everything changes. You run to God and fall on your knees while a roaring thunder rolls with pain through out your whole being.

The emotional, mental and spiritual pain caused a physical pain. In my case, I do not believe it was a heart attack. Although I did ask God to take me home that night because I did not think I could handle this storm. I most definitively did not even want to try. When I woke the next morning and was still here with nothing being change, and I was angry at God. I was angry because He did not want to take me home.

I guess the only thing that I did right was I did not stop talking to God. It was a way of life before the storm. I could not let go of Jesus. I need His love. There were times that I felt so alone. The Holy Spirit helped me to hold on and remember His love.

At that time I was sitting under an excellent teacher/preacher and did in dept Bible studies with word studies. Plus the Lord had me doing Bible Study Fellowship ( . I thought the knowledge I had gained found a resting place in my heart. Looking back, this probably is what gave me strength to go forward. Everything was tested and put through the fire and whatever else was in the mix. No one could see the dept of my pain that filled my soul. In the dept of my soul I knew Jesus must be there collecting my tears. I lost my oldest daughter to cancer when she was 14 and knew Jesus never left me then. I survived that pain. I thought this pain was deeper so maybe I just could not feel Jesus because of this pain.

Although knowing how He helped me and always there, I believed a lie. I thought God had favorites and I was not one of them. My faith became weak. My prayer life stopped. I am thankful that did not last a long time.

God is so patient with all of us, especially things concerning me. There are scars but Jesus has a healing hand on those scars. I survived and feel a deeper love from the Lord and He is helping me to love Him even more each day. Jersus heals and binds our hearts together. He keeps me on His mind. He is a caring God.

I remembered Him and His love when the doctors told me I had arthritis and thyroid problems. I stilled loved Him and praised His name. I remembered His goodness when the doctors said I have Parkinson?/ Positional tremors. I still loved Him when the doctors told me I have degenerative disk disease. God came to earth as Jesus to give me life for eternity. I remembered His great love when the doctors told me I had cancer. Yes, I ask God to heal me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritualy.

Each new day brings rejoicing songs in my heart for the God who saved me for rejoicing Him for eternity. He has an everlasting love. A never ending love for me with my name, Diana, inscribed in His hand (Isaiah 49:16).

May the angels and demons know that God’s children will love Jesus without seeing Him and when bad things happen to us, we will still love Him.. Jesus died on a cross, so we would have the riches of heaven. Only Jesus forgives us and loves like no other. I am a witness of this love.

Beloved ones of God, the Lord Jesus is patient with us and helps us to get through difficult times. He is holding our hearts but we do not know it because we are consumed by whatever. (My lie was I was not God’s favorite. He does not have favorites.) He waits to share truth with us. It is because we did hold on to each other that God shares truth with us.

God does heal our spiritual blindness that one develops in the midst of things, to share truth. He waits for all of us with an open heart and wide open arms. The same heart and wide open arms that were on the cross. Run to Him and softly weep on His blood stained robe.

He takes the lies that we have believed and the pain we have suffered and replace them with His wonderful truth. Can you hear His love calling you.

If you are under a severe attack from Satan, find a safe resting place. You must find this place so you can begin to heal. God will use His other children to help you find this resting place. When you have been destroyed emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and maybe physically. Do not travel this road alone. Have a physical person that can hold you as you weep. They will help you.

You are a precious treasure to God. “Believe this my precious love, you are a jewel. A jewel inscribed in my hand. A jewel placed in my crown so you can share my kingdom. I chose you. You are far from home but I am coming to show you the power of my Love. Will you wait in your love for Me just a little longer. Hear my love calling out to you. Sing your praises. I love you with an everlasting love. Allow Me to pull you closer as you endure your journey. Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to help you and bring you into the place which I have prepared for you with many rewards.”

Jesus calmed the Storm.

Note: I have been married twice and it was a biblical separation.

Be A Man That Walks In God’s Glory

A man must pursue God goodness, holiness, direction in order to lead his family on this journey. A man must have the inner strength to lead his family through the hardships of this world. If a man developes inner strength, fuel by worldly things, one will fail at some point in time. Inner strength given by God will bring about confidence will cause the man be gentle and will do things in love (I Corinthians 11:16:13-14) He will have a spiritual backbone for leading his family. Today’s paths are filled with adversaries. A man must have wisdom and have self-control. In Proverbs 22:24-25, it says not to even associate with a man given to anger, lest you learn his ways.

A man must have a prayer life, (I suggest a prayer life title, “Enter The Throne Room of God) in order to lead his family and the church he attends. He should at times pray with others, especially with his wife. A wife feels more secured and loved with her praying husband and as she walks through life. If she becomes afraid, she not only finds strength in the Lord, but runs to her husband for security an strength. This is a new trinty of Christ, man and woman ( I Peter 3:1-6). Being frighten will only last a moment if she is filled with the Holy Spirit. But she may need to have just a little more, and seeing Jesus within you will help to melt away her fears. She will gladly submit to her husband. (I Perter 3:1). This verse says, “you husbands likewise, live with your wives, in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she a woman, and grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayer may not be hindered.”

The first scary thing about this verse is the last, “that your prayer may not be hindered.” If a wife does not see Christ in you, she may feel insecured. She may become afraid and scared to submit to you.

If you take time to worship the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to consume you, loving her as Christ, your wife will follow you and submit with an incredible love. That is, if she is a Christian. If she is a Christian, she will feel the presences of God with you. With this new trinty existing, you will be saturated with His glory, love and divine guidance.

Men should teach things of God to their sons. Men are commanded to do so in Deuteronomy 6:6-7. Also when they are older teach them about the family and how to bless their wives. Remind them that they should do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord, that it may be well with them (Deuteronomy 6:18).

Father’s, do not provoke your children to anger: but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

I have seen husbands/wives, that will emotionally and mentally abuse their spouse in order to drive them out of the home. Then they say that they did no wrong because the other spouse left, in order for the church to think different about the situation.

On just about every page of the bible, one can find something on how to know God, consequences of actions, examples of Jesus and wisdom.

There is one more thing I would like to mention, and that is about the times we live. Yes, natural weather needs to be watch. But what is not mentioned often is the behavior of people. The bible states that things will be like in the “days of Noah.” I look at the wickedness of people. I have seen so called Christians become hostile to each other because they did not vote like them, or the color of carpet to be bought for their sanctuary. People are getting more wicked and accepting things that are not right in the eyes of the Lord.

The sad part is that the people have not become as wicked as they were in the days of Noah. The Christian man must be so close to the Lord in order to hear God tell him where he must go to be safe. I am not suggesting to run for the hills. I am suggesting that each on of us, especially men, to do as the Lord instructs. He might have you go on vacation on certain days to avoid a mishap. Or maybe stay home instead of going some place. Just stay close to the Lord so He can move and direct your path. Allow God to be a part of your whole being and feeling His glory.

Beloved men of God, this is the greatest gift you will ever receive. It is the greatest gift you can give your family. Your children may not know why your home brings peace and comfort to them. But they will be drawn to your home and not forget the peace.

Men, this is a high calling. Leave a legacy for your children. Allow God to breathe on you. Teach your children the things of God. Be faithful to God and meet Him daily. Repent of any wrong doing or thinking. Have a direct line to God. You and your wife were made for this moment in time. Live it to the fullness of God. Reflect God.


My family on one of our travel adventures

A woman of divine elegance has a heart that is opened to the light of Jesus Christ. She walks with the joy of the Lord. Her heart sings praises to Jesus for His love to her and her family. Her faith runs deep into God’s promises and that He will never leave her. She believes that God empowers her courageous obedience with His presence.

This woman walks in kindness with constant prayer on her lips. Constant prayer is necessary for not only does this life brings glory and honor to God, it is seen by Satan. He will try to bring things to disrupt the family. He will try to take away the song in her heart. He will try to take away her joy and replace it with fear. He will try to steal the hearts and minds of her children. He wants to blind them to hidden dangers. She must keep her hope and eyes on Jesus. He’s the one on the white horse before her bringing light to the dark areas.

Her home has a calming affect on all who enter. She plays Christian music and sings to the Lord for she knows that the dark one do not want to listen to the music sung to Jesus. They can only take it for so long and has to flee. Prayers to Jesus asking Him to send mighty angels to surround her home and the ones dwelling there. She ask for these mighty angels to surround all who leave and enter her home. Angels are to help to bring God’s purpose for each individual in her home. She never talks to angels, but ask God to command them. God grows His people as they share in His victories.

For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, Lest you strike your foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11-12

Her home is a welcoming home filled with kindness. Kindness is an extension of love. In her heart is a calling to live for others in love. She pleases God for exercising love for the weak and strong. She makes others feel important because they are important to God. If all she has is peanut butter, she will put that sandwich on silver or crystal plates or fake ones from the everything for a dollar store. She makes others feel that they are worth her best. She carries this love and kindness within her so the Holy Spirit will guide her.

She knows that in a calm surroundings people are more willing to speak of the burdens in their heart. She is willing to pray and guide them into prayer with soft spoken and soothing words. She prays with her husband, children, their friends and whomever the Lord brings into her home. She ask Jesus to spread His wings over her and when she draws people in, to pray for them, they will feel Jesus in their midst.

She allows Jesus to move her heart deeper into His heart. Her arms and home bring comfort and love to all. Her hands and feet are an extension of Jesus hands and feet.

Also she keeps her home holy. Although she extends love to all, not all are allowed into her home. She will meet some elsewhere in a public place. Although she probably has a gift of mercy and helps or others, discernment may not be one of them. She allows God to set boundaries and always remembers that her and her home is precious to God.

She hands down to her children a spiritual heritage. Through her God will prepare those who follow. She knows that loyalty to God and His word builds unity in her family and among His people.

She knows there will be struggles. She faces her struggles knowing that God will give her strength because of His protective love. She responds to them in a godly manner and then helps others to discover their hope in Jesus.

She understands the Proverbs 31 woman. First, she is faithful to her husband and a helpmate (V11-12). She is a busy woman and industrious (v13). She provides food for her family (v14-15). She is frugal (v16). She accepts the fact that her work is never done (v18) and is productive (v18-19). She helps people and meets the needs of her household (v20-21) She is clean and tidy (V21-23) and helps add good to her husband’s reputation. She has a business, if possible, in her home so that she can train up her children. She smiles at the future because of her faith in God’s goodness. She feels God’s love and is quick to repent. She knows God gives her wisdom and helps with all things because of her kindness and love for Him. Her prizes are her children who rise up and bless her. She is a treasured gem to her husband.

She trust in the Lord God with all of her heart and does not lean on her understanding. She acknowledges God so He will direct her path that she walks on in grace and divine elegance.

We Walk Among Lies

A stallion of a wild herd of horses in Wyoming

Remember Eve in the Garden of Eden? Satan mixed truth and lies to deceive Eve. He uses this method today. When you review history, you can see that Satan has used this over and over. He will do anything to stop a person from knowing God’s plan of salvation and His love. Satan now has his demons delivering lies to us. There is a war within us (the flesh) and lies all around us being delivered in various ways.

We must be walking in the Spirit in order to deflect those fiery arrows of lies. Demons have the knowledge of Christ, but they reject that knowledge due to their pride.

Their main job now is to cause God’s Beloved to stumble in their faith. They want to make your faith not be seen by the unsaved. We are in a war for the souls of men and women. There is a line drawn in the sand. You are either with Christ or with Satan. There is no sitting on the fence. I see more distinct lines now of people either following Satan or Christ.

The demons are in spirit form with intelligence. They know Jesus and know about His salvation plan for us. Demons are the arms and legs of Satan. They have different levels of authority just like an army of our world. Demons have different levels of power. So do angels. The demons can influence a Child of God, but not possess them, (Ephesians 6:12). They spread false doctrine.and have emotions. Satan is a created creature of great beauty. Satan is an angel of the Cherubim. Satan has limitations. For example, he can not be everywhere.

Christians can resist Satan, but we need to be on guard. We should know God’s word and be prayer warriors. Do not be silent before God. Your life depends on your relationship with God. Let your words be lifted up to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let the fragrance of your words bring joy to the Father. If you should fall, repent and begin to sing praises. God will chase your heart and renew it. You must repent first. You want your heart to beat for the Lord’s glory.

That can be hard for baby Christians. Daniel was a mature person of faith and still experience problems. In Daniel 10:13, an angel was going to Daniel to answer his prayer when the prince of Persia (a demon) stopped the angel and there was a 21 day fight. Michael had to come and fight the demon. Michael is a high ranking angel. He is an archangel, who disputed Satan over the body of Moses. Read all of Daniel and Jude.

How many times have you heard on the news about some evil act done and they stated they heard voices telling them to do certain things. This is a demon influencing someone.

There are fiction books by Chuck Black that seem to follow this theme. The series is called “War of the Realm”. The 3 books are titled, “Rise of the Fallen, Light of the Last and Cloak of the Light.” I do not remember the order of the series. But it is well worth the read. After an accident, Drew Carter, sees fierce invaders that no one else can see. This is a spiritual warfare series and after the introduction of characters becomes a suspenseful read.

Most of the time, news reports are slanted so you will believe as they do. Everyone has an opinion which may be true or how they see it. Knowing God’s word with prayer must be active so you can be lead in truth.

Study the book of Ephesians. This book is so rich. Every verse holds a gem. But Ephesians 6 tells about our spiritual battle. We are to stand firm in verse 14 or to dig in with Truth and have a relationship with God. Verse 16 talks about the shield of faith so we can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil ones. We put on this armor with prayer.

Do not ignore this battle we are in daily. Pray constantly. Let your heart sing praises as you walk through life. If you are not close to God, you can be deceived and believe lies. It says in Matthew 24:22-25. “And unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days shall be cut short. Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘There He is,’ do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.”


Angels are given charge to children. Psalm 91:

There is no greater gift to an unborn child than to feel you worship Jesus. Let your unborn child feel the presences of God before they are born. God already knows those precious ones. God has already given angels charge over them. God has already breathe on them.

At this marvelous conception, not only are they given physical DNA, but also their spiritual DNA. It is here at this time that the unborn inherit a place within them, the urge to know God and a sin nature. Remember God said that sin nature is passed down by man.

A mother can help develop a child of God. Allow this child to feel the presences of God through worship and praises to the Almighty. Sing praises and listen to Christian music. Bach stated that all music should be written and sung to the glory of God.

Many mothers have listened to music before a child is born to introduced them to be relaxed when going to sleep. Then they will do so after their birth to fall asleep in a peaceful state. I can’t remember if it was Bach or another but it was suggested that music should be a 4/4 count.

We are commanded in Deuteronomy 6:6-7, that we are to teach our children diligently the things of God. We are to talk of them when we sit in our house and when one walks by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.

I taught my children when we needed to cross traffic to ask God to “part the traffic” for us. This helps them to accept help in all things. To help them develop a habit of praying about all things. You can come up with things that are tailored for your children.

We need to teach our children how important they are to us and how often they are in God’s thoughts. God has precious and beautiful thoughts of them that is more numerous than each grain of sand (Psalm 139: 13-18). God thought of them before they were a thought of ours (Jeremiah 1:5). Remind them that they were a gift to you from God. Beloved, please remember, you are to be a reflection of God. If you love your children like Jesus, then they will understand Jesus love for them.

I would like to mention here about a study that was done. If both parents take their children to church regularly, then 75% of them will remain in church as adults. If only the father takes them to church by himself, then only 50% will remain in church as adults. If a mother takes them to church by herself,only 15% will remain in church as adults. If children take themselves to church, then only 8% will remain in church. I am thankful that God does not go by surveys and moves where He pleases. Remember though that the only thing we take to heaven with us are the souls that God has allowed us to plant seeds of Him within others.

Now for the older children and adult children of God. One of the Ten Commandments spoken by God is found in Exodus 20:12 which says to honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged. Yes, it says that your days may be long. Do you want to live a long time? Then respect and love your father and mother.

This is repeated in Ephesians 6:1-3, with the promise that you may live long on the earth. It is important to the child to be obedient for Christ. It is here that says a child should take care of their parents upon them aging as an obligation to Christ.

Ephesians 6:4 adds something else concerning children. It tell fathers not to provoke the children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instructions of the Lord.

Anger is a mighty destroyer. It can break a person in so many ways that can last a lifetime. A child can lose confidence in approaching God. A child may think God is like their earthy father. Stay in prayer and ask God to put more love in your heart for Him. Ask God how you should bring up your child and impart Godly wisdom to each of them. Respond to children in the fruit of the Spirit. Beloved, be a reflection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My youngest grandson one week old