I found these notes in a hand-sized notebook. I have one date of 2015. I do not remember when or where I took them. So author, place, and time are unknown. In a few places I added my 2 cents into the mix.

Why God Answers Prayer:

God answers prayer to prove He is God.

God answers prayer to build your faith.

God answers prayer so that your joy may be full.

So that you depend on Him.


Pray in the spirit (I Corinthians 14:2)

Allow the Holy Spirit to pray with you and/or for you.

Pray in the early hours. God will seal their instruction and direction in the night hours (Genesis 33:15-18). God wants to warn you of danger and keep His people from pershing. 3 to 6 am is the night watch. The Jews believed that this is when God visits the earth and if you are awake when God visits, you may have visions and dreams and hear God’s voice.

These leadings and God’s voice is not limited to the early hours of the day. God has awakened me at this time and burdened me to pray. But His leadership and voice can happen at any time. The Holy Spirit within you is there for every second of your life. He is perfect at nudging you at the right time. Remember, all of this happens because of prayer. You must be obeying God and love Him. Now in times of mercy, He may still lead you in the right direction.

The Spirit of God will give you feelings of impending danger. Start praying immediately.

You may become heavy with burden. This is when your spirit becomes very, very heavy. Now the soul and spirit are two different things, but they work together. The soul houses our emotions. The spirit is that which was made in the image of God. Again, it is best to start praying immediately.

It is through prayer that you can feel the Holy Spirit telling you of impending dangers. It is through prayer that the Holy Spirit can tell you the intent of other people. In this age, we need help with knowing the intent of people. For example, an opportunist or someone who wants to harm us.

It is through prayer and obedience that helps to unclog our ears and eyes. We want to see and hear the spiritual.


I was crying and then your love so beautiful, wrapped around me. I was lonely but your love filled me. There was so much pain, but You took that pain away. You replaced that pain with Your beautiful love. A love that never hurts. Your promises are true. And no one can take those promises away. Your love is so beautiful. Your love is for always. Some say I am a fool for trusting Your love. But Your Spirit is so beautiful. Your Spirit is like a river that always flows in me. How can I not love You, my Lord, my Jesus? Your love is so beautiful.

God’s Love


If you have children, you love them unconditionally. You want to be near them. When they come to visit, you do not tell them to go away. When they hurt, your heart hurts with them.

This is how Jesus feels toward each of us. Since Jesus’s love is perfect and He comes from heaven, His love is magnified beyond any love we have toward our children. He grieves when we are hurt and live a life that will bring us pain. Since Jesus loves us more than we can imagine, He also grieves more than we can imagine.

That is why Jesus died for us. It took His death (His sacrifice) to bring us to God. If we accept Jesus’s sacrifice for us, we can be with Him after our death. Or when He calls us to join Him in heaven one day. You can sense His presence within you to help you live according to what the Bible says is right.

The Bible is God’s Word left for us to show us what is right and good for us. The Bible gives examples of other people in the past and their relationship with God. It is good for us to know how God moved in other people’s lives and how it points to Jesus before He was born. This history of man’s relationship with God is found in the section of the Bible that is called the Old Testament. The section called the New Testament tells about Jesus’ birth, His life, and His death. After Jesus’ death, it tells about those who knew Jesus and what He shared with them. Some people saw Jesus die and then 3 days later they saw Him alive. I am so thankful they shared their experiences.

“Jesus exposed evil. He taught what was right. Jesus works through the ordinary moments of life to reveal His extraordinary power and authority. Because of Jesus, we enjoy a renewed relationship with God Himself. Jesus longs to cleanse you from anything that dishonors God. Jesus offers transforming power to the lives of those who follow, love, and worship Him.

How have you responded to Jesus’ offer? What excuses hold you back from trusting Jesus? Will you ask God to help you see and believe all He has revealed to you through His Word (the Holy Bible)? What keeps you from the Savior (Jesus) who loves you and longs for a relationship with you.”(1)

1, John Gospel, Page 52, BSF


I lift my head toward the stars above to worship my Lord Jesus. My tears fall to the ground where His blood once fell. My LORD, I want to feel Your presence. I want to behold the presence I love. Emmanuel, the Holy One, the Light of my life. My Guide and Counselor come to me.

Oh, my Lord Jesus Christ, I feel your presence. Lord, I bow before you in tears to worship You. My worthy King, I enter Your gates with thanksgiving. I am unworthy of such lovingkindness. I enter Your courts with praise for I love you. Give me Your song that is praising You forever. I give thanks to You and bless your name. Your faithfulness to me is a wonder, but You are a forgiving God.

I now feel that I am standing at the curtain that separated You and me some time ago. Jesus Christ, I cry out to You, for my God will not look upon evil, no matter how small. But my LORD JESUS moves the curtain and takes my heart to God and stands between God and me.

Your Words are cherished by me. Your thoughts of me are so precious. My heart stands in awe of Thy Word. Teach me Your ways, Oh Lord, so I may please You. Be gracious to me, so I may glorify Your name. So I may walk in Your truth. So I may seek refuge under Your wings, for there is terror throughout the night and day.

But Your glory lets me know that You are faithful to me. I know You will deliver me. For I will be with You, my God, and I will behold my Salvation.

(Genesis 100:4 How I should pray everyday.)




Ephesians 1:13-14 “In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.

The moment we hear and believe, we are given the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our salvation and things to come. It is God’s signature as in a signed contract, a guarantee of what is to come. The Holy Spirit is our little part of heaven for now. God did not leave us alone until we go to heaven for eternity. He left us the Holy Spirit, a part of Him.

Many do not know how to walk with the Holy Spirit. Plus, we want our own way. To take our own path. He is resisted (Acts 7:51).

The Holy Spirit is here for many reasons. He is to teach us (John 14:26). Do you pray before reading the scriptures and ask for understanding?

The Holy Spirit will guide us (Romans 8:14). He speaks (John 15:26; 2 Peter 1:21). He intercedes for us (Romans 8:26). The list goes on, but you must walk in the spirit. Think and understand how to move with Him.

One of the most beautiful things about the Holy Spirit, is when you worship God and he lets you know if it was accepted by God. Or when you sing praises, He fills you up with His spirit.

Oh Beloved, how He holds you when you are hurting, is so precious that you come to cherish those times. I do not know how people can go through life without His presence, without His arms around them. I saw many without the Spirit of God when I was at Children’s Hospital during my daughter’s battle with cancer. When she died, like many others there, the Holy Spirit gave me the peace I needed.

Do you have peace and guidance, through your journey while here on earth? Beloved, I pray that you have the GOD, who came to earth to be tortured and nailed to a cross to die for you and the bad things we all have done. He loves you so much. Who else would do that for you?

Lost Of Hope

Life can bring a person much despair. One of my first real losses of all hope was when my 14-year-old daughter lost her battle with cancer at the age of 14 years old. In the midst of this sorrow, a powerful peace would enter my heart. Each day this comfort would last longer. God never left me, although, at the beginning of that time, my sorrow blocked my feelings of His comfort most of the time. God never abandons His children. Each day His presence became more real. The more I allowed Jesus to comfort me, the more the emptiness grew smaller.

In Psalms 34:18 it says, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (NAS) Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (NAS)

These living words of God, He breathed into my soul. His Spirit-filled this empty spot that was left and will be filled again when I see my daughter in heaven. But that spot will be overcome with the presence and glory of God. I will be overcome by His perfect love.

I JOHN 1-2 Light and Darkness

I John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him (Jesus) and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

I John 2:17 And the world is passing away, and also its lust; but the one who does the will of God abides forever.

I John 2:18-19 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrist have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour.

Verse 19 They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they been of us, they would have remained with us (faking the new life); but they went out, in order that it might be shown that they all are not of us.



Photo by Diana

It seems that many of us compare ourselves to other people and other people to others. God made each of us unique. God compares us to no one else. Jesus loves us and we can trust His thoughts toward us. No matter how we may react to our circumstances, He will still love us. Jesus may be disappointed in how we handled a circumstances, but Jesus will never stop loving you. Remember, God is training you, so we may have to repeat a lesson. In the second time around, we may take our circumstances to Jesus first and not try to handle it on our own. Repeated circumstances should deepen our prayer life. By repeating lessons, they help us to see and give mercy and love.

Just let your delight in the Lord shine forth at all times, no matter the circumstances. God loves us so much that He made a way to love Him and be a part of His divine nature. Pray that your nature becomes like HIS.