Genesis 1:28-31

And God blessed them; God said to them., “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, over every living thing that moves on the earth.

This verse is a command. It shows that man was exalted above all things on the earth. Our intelligence is above all creation on earth. But our relationship with the animals is really unknown. Everyone and everything was at peace with one another. The lamb did lay down with the lion and we walk among all the animals in peace. All we really know is that the fall of,man changed our relationship with all animals and that the earth groans because of our sin. (Genesis 3: 17-18: Romans 8:22)

Before the fall, we could commune with God. Our personality was complete through loving God. We learned to love what God loved. Also the part of us, that was made in the image of God is not the same. So we are less than what we were. It may be less, but there is some of that image of God within each of us. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, it is on the road to being fully restored.

I believe our spiritual DNA is received at the moment of conception, like our physical DNA. The seat of our personality, emotions, and that image of God is placed. This is why life is so precious. This is why life in the womb is so valuable to God and should be to us.

I will let you read verses 29-31. My comments are that verse 29 is a promise but after the fall not every plant is good. Some plants are poisonous. We did not eat meat until after the flood. Look at Genesis 9:3

Photo by Diana Burbridge