Photo by Diana

It seems that many of us compare ourselves to other people and other people to others. God made each of us unique. God compares us to no one else. Jesus loves us and we can trust His thoughts toward us. No matter how we may react to our circumstances, He will still love us. Jesus may be disappointed in how we handled a circumstances, but Jesus will never stop loving you. Remember, God is training you, so we may have to repeat a lesson. In the second time around, we may take our circumstances to Jesus first and not try to handle it on our own. Repeated circumstances should deepen our prayer life. By repeating lessons, they help us to see and give mercy and love.

Just let your delight in the Lord shine forth at all times, no matter the circumstances. God loves us so much that He made a way to love Him and be a part of His divine nature. Pray that your nature becomes like HIS.