Do you feel like a heavy weight of darkness is on your shoulders? Is that darkness encasing you?

Beloved, there is someone who knows how you feel. He has even shed tears for you. He wants to help you. He has such great love for you. In the beginning of time, God walked with man. He loved His creation of man and woman. They talked and walked together. One day Satan (the Devil) came to earth and entered into a snake and talked the woman into doing something that God asked her not to do. Then the man did the same. They sinned. God could not walk with them as He did before because of their sin, but He wanted to.

He had a plan. A plan that would mean a very painful death. But His love for us was so great that He just had to do it. He had to do something that when He looked at us, He would not see any ugly sin. And He could walk with us again. He could walk among His people if He chose. Or His people could gather around Him and we could all enjoy each other again. We could feel this great love among us.

So He decided to die a painful death on a cross. Then on the third day, He would rise from that grave. Give final instructions to His people. Then go to heaven. Later gather all His people.

Beloved, Jesus did these things. Meanwhile, He has given a part of Himself to live inside of each of His people as His promise that He will come. We are now waiting to be gathered up to Him. That part of Himself that He gives to His people is the Holy Spirit. If you let Him, he will give you peace and take away that gloom. God will not turn you away when you say you are sorry for sinning. Try not to sin anymore. Ask for His help not to do so. He will never reject you. In John 6:37 God says, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”

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