Our family saw the play “Esther” at the Sight and Sound Theatre in Branson, Missouri. The play keeps the youngest children’s attention, with camels, horses, donkeys, and birds flying overhead. Why would they not be attentive?

God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, but you see Him working in the background, even though a large number of Jews had not returned to Israel. God is working in the background of our lives. This book shows God’s protection and mercy for His people. The Jews include Esther in their writings, so they will know how the “Feast of Purin” began.

Historical records do mention Xerxes, but not Esther, Mordecai, or Shaman. Xerxes and his large harem in Susa are mentioned in other historical records. His fits of rage along with his drinking parties were noted. Now we know why Esther was so afraid to approach him.

Let this book encourage you of God’s faithfulness. God placed Esther in a position to help before she was needed. Esther was placed in a position in one step. Joseph’s position had many steps that took years. Just have your spirit and heart ready.