Genesis 1-2

Photo by Diana Burbridge

Genesis 2 gives more detail about a few things in chapter one. Chapter one is a condensed version of creation.

To me, the main difference is how God refers to Himself. In chapter one, Elohim is the God of power. Who else could create all that is in its complexity? God has infinite wisdom.

In chapter 2, we have Jehovah Elohim. We have all that Elohim is, plus Jehovah, the covenant God. This is used when dealing with His relationship with people.

God created all things in perfection for one purpose. It was to be for man. It was to give us food. We were to enjoy its beauty, subdue it, and have dominion over it (Genesis 1:28).

Can you imagine this world before the fall of man? Before its beauty was marred by sin. When the Shekinah glory must have still radiated throughout all things. But even with creation marred by sin, God still had Paul tell us this in Romans 1:20, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power, and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” So Beloved, all creation reveals to all men of the divine nature, power, might, orderliness, love, control of all things, and so forth, of the one true God. So when one rejects this truth, they are without excuse before God. People try to create gods they can control instead of submitting to God who controls all things.

In Revelation when God creates a new earth, creation before sin may be restored. Beloved, may we be together praising Him forever?