Genesis 2:1-3

Photo by Diana Burbridge

Verse 1: Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their host.

The word host in this verse is the same word in Nehemiah 9:6 which to me could mean stars or angels. Please read the Nehemiah verse.

Verse 2: And by the seventh day God completed His work which He had done; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

God was not tired or exhausted from his work in creating. God was finished in the work of creating. The emphasis in this verse is the word seventh. This adjective, seventh, is represented as the Sabbath on Mt. Sinai as God’s covenant.

Verse 3: Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

God made this day holy. As to what we should do in response to this is debated. Sanctified means to be set apart. So this day is to be different than any other day. Since God made it holy and is set apart to be holy, we who are His children should do things that are holy on that day. For example, worship God, be thankful, praise Him, and do what causes the Holy Spirit to respond to the point we feel the presence of God. Share Him with your children. Teach your child more deeply than you do throughout the hurried week. There are many books written that can help you. Pray about this and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to that book and the next, and the next.

God knew that man needed a day of rest from all his toil. Man’s body needed a rest. Man’s mind needed a rest. When you are at rest, you can hear that still small voice of God. In that still small voice, God gives strength, and instructions on how to solve your problems that you are having or ones to come in the week to come. Praise God that He does not leave us alone.