GENESIS 2:23-25

Jim and Diana

Verse 23 And the man said, “This now bone of my bone, And flesh of my Flesh, She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of man.”

Verse 24 For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

Verse 25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

God Himself, instituted marriage. This is to be a complete union between a man and a woman which is to be permanent as it states in Mark 10:7-9 which ends with the phrase, “let no man separate.”

This belonging to one another, to love, is God’s gift to us. With Adam and Even, God, like the Father of the Bride, gave her to Adam. This is so beautiful.

If you are not married, pray for God to send you one that walks with Him. That means with your whole heart more than once.

Then you can spend your life together with a loving relationship between the two of you and Jesus Christ, our bridegroom. There is nothing more beautiful on this side of heaven than a man, woman, and God on a spiritual journey here on earth. Of course, it is not as God intended when He made Eve, for sin has entered the world. But together, a married couple is to obey God together, walk in integrity, and serve God in harmony.

Eve offered what Adam lacked. Adam offered what Eve lacked. You can see this in marriages today. So wait for the one God sends to you.

Verse 25 tells us that Adam and Eve were sinless at this time.