Gensis 1:9-10

Photo by Diana Burbridge

Again we see the power of God’s spoken word in verses 9 and 10. The land was gathered into one place and the water into another. Also, God spoke all the vegetation into being.

I wonder if God thought of each plant individually and it appeared or thought of each plant family. Within that family did each plant appear or in the beginning the main plant carried the DNA of all the sub-species? Two of my favorite plants in the same family are the African Violet and the Episcia.

Whatever the case, God controls all things, even the boundaries of the waters. You may think that they don’t during a hurricane. Well hurricanes, like all bad weather, are part of the curse when Adam and Eve sinned. Just like how we now have thorns and underbrush.

Bad weather seems to be increasing. Do you want God to act when there is danger? Do you expect God to speak into the details of your life? Worship Him and have a life of prayer.


These Episcia will grow and become so full and will cover the top of whatever size pot you plant them in. Then they spread downward. These pictures are of baby plants. I just got them. I had one years ago that was over three feet long. It had red flowers.