In my previous post, I spoke about hope. Our lives are to bring about glory t to God and the salvation He brought to us when He came to earth. If we do bring glory to God and tell others of His goodness, God is faithful to help us find joy no matter the circumstances. As though those things may be little or grand, they are meant to draw you closer to God. God knows your name. It is written in the palm, of His hand.

I don’t generally share my health problems, but I want to share a day with you. A day that will show a loving God and how He affirms not only by the Holy Spirit within you but by outside sources.

I woke up this morning in a lot of pain and vertigo. There was a sharp pain and numb tingling feet. My legs were painful with sharp shooting pains. If I touched them, the pain increased. The lower back and hips hurt. If I stood for more than 3 minutes, the pain became unbearable. Also, under the left shoulder blade was a sharp constant pain. The arms felt like the legs, but not as bad. I don’t get hungry often, but I was that morning. I can not stand long enough to fix myself a meal, so my husband fixed me something to eat. He then left for work. I ate, took my pills, and rested. After resting, I decided to take a hot shower to help the pain. While showering, I began to wonder if I would be able to get out of the shower without trouble.

My Lord Jesus Christ took care of the possibility that I could fall while getting out of the tub. My husband decided to swing by the house. So my dear husband helped me out of the tub and helped me dress.

I rested again for about 20 minutes. Then two of my grandsons, ages 25 and 18, stooped by to feed my horses and peafowl that I had left from when I bred chickens, ducks, and peafowl Later, my 29-year-old grandson dropped by for about an hour for a visit. I am blessed.

By the time my husband came home from work, my pain level was down to a 3 or 4 while sitting with sharp pains hitting now and then. Everything was good, especially when he brought home a chocolate-covered donut.

A little later our power went out. I do not know why. There were no storms. So we lit some candles and I picked up a book I wanted to read. It talked about how God will give you surprises to lift you up on your bad days and to give you hope. It even mentioned your grandchildren visiting you. These small things remind you that God is there wrapping his Love around you and giving you hope. God confirmed He was with me. God’s gifts are so good. I am thankful for them and they give me hope for tomorrow, for He has already been there.