Beloved, God knows everything that happens to each one of us. He knows when someone says bad things to you. He knows when you have been hurt both emotionally and physically. He knows if it was the cause of someone’s words to you, or if you had fallen or in a wreck. Or in the case of the last couple of weeks, the earth itself is expressing itself because of sin. I am not saying that area sinned. I am saying that the planet itself is filled with our sin and groans and that is a result. And yes, we should help the people. If you don’t shed a few tears when you watch the TV and see the areas of devastation, I will wonder why. God sees and hears all. He knows our pain. Call out to Him. He is waiting for you to turn to Him for help. He loves every one of us.

Not only does God know every little thing that happens to us, but He knows every little word and action we say and do to others. We are all so self-centered that we don’t think of that very often. So Beloved, when those words start flying out of your mouth…Stop and remember that God hears you too. Remember that He loves both of you.