God’s Love


If you have children, you love them unconditionally. You want to be near them. When they come to visit, you do not tell them to go away. When they hurt, your heart hurts with them.

This is how Jesus feels toward each of us. Since Jesus’s love is perfect and He comes from heaven, His love is magnified beyond any love we have toward our children. He grieves when we are hurt and live a life that will bring us pain. Since Jesus loves us more than we can imagine, He also grieves more than we can imagine.

That is why Jesus died for us. It took His death (His sacrifice) to bring us to God. If we accept Jesus’s sacrifice for us, we can be with Him after our death. Or when He calls us to join Him in heaven one day. You can sense His presence within you to help you live according to what the Bible says is right.

The Bible is God’s Word left for us to show us what is right and good for us. The Bible gives examples of other people in the past and their relationship with God. It is good for us to know how God moved in other people’s lives and how it points to Jesus before He was born. This history of man’s relationship with God is found in the section of the Bible that is called the Old Testament. The section called the New Testament tells about Jesus’ birth, His life, and His death. After Jesus’ death, it tells about those who knew Jesus and what He shared with them. Some people saw Jesus die and then 3 days later they saw Him alive. I am so thankful they shared their experiences.

“Jesus exposed evil. He taught what was right. Jesus works through the ordinary moments of life to reveal His extraordinary power and authority. Because of Jesus, we enjoy a renewed relationship with God Himself. Jesus longs to cleanse you from anything that dishonors God. Jesus offers transforming power to the lives of those who follow, love, and worship Him.

How have you responded to Jesus’ offer? What excuses hold you back from trusting Jesus? Will you ask God to help you see and believe all He has revealed to you through His Word (the Holy Bible)? What keeps you from the Savior (Jesus) who loves you and longs for a relationship with you.”(1)

1, John Gospel, Page 52, BSF