God’s Power and You

Jonah repented, as did Nineveh after God confronted them with His power and Holiness…”God have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Over time, the Holy Spirit transforms a believer’s heart, attitudes, and motives. Love for God along with a longing for His righteousness grows within the believer. The path of spiritual growth involves ongoing repentance as God continues to purify our desires and actions. Until final glory, we must repent over and over again. We continue striving for holiness in dependence upon God’s compassionate grace. Thanks be to God that His mercies are new every morning.

This is from Bible Study Fellowship, Kingdom Divided, Page 183.

This is one of the best Bible studies around. You go to class once a week during the school year. You are off when the school is out of session. Some areas have a children’s program. Go to bsf.org