Hovering With Love

A Beach in New Zealand Photo by Diana Burbridge

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was formless and void, and the darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving (hovering) over the surface of the waters.

The word, moving or hovering, is a verb that denotes emotion. Some say that this has to do with protection.

As a mother, I believe that if you protect, it means you love what you protect. When I first studied this verse, I thought of the world as a nursery I might prepare for one of my babies. The love that I had when preparing for one of my unborn children.

Here, God protected the earth for His child, man. He did this with love. This love is greater than how we love. God knew even before this time that we would become wicked and He would have to come to earth as Jesus to sacrifice Himself to bring us back to Himself by dying on the cross. There is no greater love.