I lift my head toward the stars above to worship my Lord Jesus. My tears fall to the ground where His blood once fell. My LORD, I want to feel Your presence. I want to behold the presence I love. Emmanuel, the Holy One, the Light of my life. My Guide and Counselor come to me.

Oh, my Lord Jesus Christ, I feel your presence. Lord, I bow before you in tears to worship You. My worthy King, I enter Your gates with thanksgiving. I am unworthy of such lovingkindness. I enter Your courts with praise for I love you. Give me Your song that is praising You forever. I give thanks to You and bless your name. Your faithfulness to me is a wonder, but You are a forgiving God.

I now feel that I am standing at the curtain that separated You and me some time ago. Jesus Christ, I cry out to You, for my God will not look upon evil, no matter how small. But my LORD JESUS moves the curtain and takes my heart to God and stands between God and me.

Your Words are cherished by me. Your thoughts of me are so precious. My heart stands in awe of Thy Word. Teach me Your ways, Oh Lord, so I may please You. Be gracious to me, so I may glorify Your name. So I may walk in Your truth. So I may seek refuge under Your wings, for there is terror throughout the night and day.

But Your glory lets me know that You are faithful to me. I know You will deliver me. For I will be with You, my God, and I will behold my Salvation.

(Genesis 100:4 How I should pray everyday.)