In Genesis 1:1, the word “created” is bara, which means to create out of nothing.

I have mentioned before, that in Genesis 1:2, the word hovering or moving was a verb that denotes emotion. The God of creation loves us. The Spirit of God in His love for us, moved above the water to prepare it for the word of God.

In verse 3 God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. This was not the sun. The sun was created on the fourth day. I don’t know what this light was, but I do know that light is the very essence of God.

In verse 4, we see that God separated the light from the darkness.

In verse 5, we are told that this was one day. so the earth was already on its axis. These are 24-hour days of God’s divine work. If it was 1000 years for one day, as some believe, then the plant life would have died in the night period of 500 years.

I will continue Genesis 1 tomorrow at some point. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and Friday. May God bless each one of you tomorrow in a special way designed just for you.