Intimacy With Christ

Intimacy With Christ

I woke up to calmness within me. A peace that only the Lord Jesus gives when He comes into a room. The Holy Spirit responded to Jesus in a soothing way. My inner ear heard a whisper. “I love you.” I smiled and whispered in return, “I love You too. Lord, every part of my being loves you. Thank you for loving me.”

Then my Lord said, “Come lets us sit together.” He bathed me in His love. My being returned my love to Him. His presence is so soothing but also vibrant.

Yesterday, I had a few questions to ask Him, but now I can not remember them. I brush the thought off. My Savior and I have an intimate relationship, so He knows them. I thanked Him for rescuing me.

I listened, but I hear no words. But then there is joy surrounding me that slowly comes within me. I smile and that which is within me, knows He is smiling too.

I am so thankful for the time He takes with me so that we can express our love for each other. These times are blessings for my soul and my spirit.

While sitting here, I know what my purpose is for my life. I turn to where I know the Christ is sitting. I say just above a whisper, “Thank you and I love you. Lord I know I say those words over and over, but my heart is so grateful and filled with so much love and that it is hard at times to think beyond those two things.”

I felt an increase love surrounding me. I feel like this is how He embraces His children. I close my eyes to allow the essence of us to be.

I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; indeed my mine instructs me in the night.

Psalm 16: 7

Photo by Angelica Anderson