Photo by Diana

A wife’s and mother’s primary influence in the home is to fill it with joy, peace, laughter, and an essence of the Lord.

In order to do this, one must bathe themself in God’s essences. Pray daily that He will guard your home. You want all who enter to be of the spiritual realm to be only from God. You do not want your family’s emotions to be in a tug of war with those not from God. You want them to find peace in your home. Their hearts and minds are precious to you. So pray, Beloved.

Your morning prayers are so important. At the beginning of the day, place your home, children, and husband in the presence of the Lord. Ask Him to protect your family and make your home a refuge for your family. Your home can become a stronghold of God.

It is here in the home that your husband can find rest from his daily work in the world. It is here in the home with God, that your Beloved husband can renew his mind and gain strength in his integrity and ethics. Here in the home, the family members become precious to one another.

It is here, in the home, that children will learn how to have a home that honors God. It is here that they learn how to serve others. It is in the home where children learn about humility, grace, mercy, and compassion.

In the home, the family can find strength in their battles. The home can make it easy for its members to pray. So ladies, call out to God. ask God to help you to change the atmosphere in your home. Beloved, God is always near. Call out to Him and let Him guide you in His love and peace.