II PETER 1;3-11

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ who are having trouble overcoming a sin or obedience, have hope. Every time you feel yourself slipping, pray. You must keep your spirit elevated, that being, close to Jesus.

As Christians, we are promised to be partakers in the divine nature of GAod. This divine nature has all that a believer needs for life and godliness.

We can attain godliness through the knowledge of Christ. The more knowledge, the closer walk is attained. with intimate knowledge brings spiritual power and growth.

We are commanded to apply all diligence to our precious faith and to supply moral excellence to spiritual knowledge by the Holy Spirit, and with knowledge, self-control, and with your self-control, perseverance, and with perseverance, godliness; This list ends with believers caring for other Believers and this brotherly kindness with agape love.

With these qualities, you are fruitful in the true knowledge of Jesus Christ. Awe should work hard in cultivating and having these virtues keep one spiritually elevated in his life. In the latter days, believers will be surrounded by many things that pull them away from Christ. One must be single-minded to endure the adversity that will come. I do believe that has begun as birth pangs.

These virtues are divided into two groups. The first virtues deal with your relationship with God. The last two deal with your relationship with other believers. But both involve your inner life. This all begins with our faith in Jesus and ends with our godly love toward others. But we must grow in each of these virtues or we become ineffective. Many remain baby Christians. Jesus does not want unproductive Christians. We are to grow in grace and knowledge.

If a person is not growing, he is to make certain about his calling (v10). In other words, make sure you are a Christian. There should be evidence in their life that they are a Christian.

Christians, they will have a rich welcome into the kingdom of Jesus Christ when the time comes. Peter knew his time was short when he wrote these letters. Peter wrote these with agape love. Peter wanted them to be the best that they could be for Christ. I am 77 years old. This life has passed quickly. Don’t let yours pass without you being the best you can be for Christ.