My best friend sent me this question yesterday. “Why do I read the Bible? Is it to know about God or to know God?”

She then added, “A lot of times, I sit down to read His word, I’m reading to know about Him and not to get to know Him in a personal way. There’s nothing wrong with knowing about Him as He deserves, but I must know Him and have a growing relationship with Him. My heart was convicted.”

“Lord, forgive me for spending more time learning about you, and not as much time knowing You in a more personal way. I acknowledge that learning about you and not knowing You, keeps You at arm’s length so it is easier to choose not to change my ways. Knowing You and wanting to please You, will bring about the changes you desire in my life. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, painful though it may be. I need You, Lord, to help me in this area. In Jesus Name. Amen.”

Read Ephesians 1:17-23