Your Engagement Ring

All at once you stop in mid-step. Your engagement ring is not on your finger. Your engagement ring is precious to you. You panic! Your mind is racing. Where could it be? Your finger can still feel the ring.

Beloved, you have another engagement ring that is more precious than your physical engagement ring. But when you no longer feel it most do not panic! Most know why they can not feel this ring of promise but do nothing.

This ring of promise, your engagement ring is worn on your heart. It protects and moves your heart. When you no longer feel Him, it means you have pushed Him far down into your heart and chose not to listen to Him. By your choice, He may not fully protect you. You have grieved Him.

In Ephesians, chapter one, is a beautiful love story you can read. This chapter tells who you are engaged to and tells of God’s promise to you. When you accept God’s proposal, He seals you with the Holy Spirit of promise (Ephesians 1:13-14). The Holy Spirit is given to you as a pledge of your inheritance with Jesus Christ.

When you decided to accept Jesus as your Savior and to follow His teachings, you are given the Holy Spirit to live within you. He is to teach you, to guide and to give you a commission (Acts 13:4). He commands you (Acts 8:29), restrains evil and He intercedes (Romans 8:26) for us to Jesus and Jesus will talk to the Father God concerning us. It brings peace to us because Jesus talks to God about your situation. The Holy Spirit bears witness of God (John 15:26 and 2 Peter 1:21). We can cause the Holy Spirit to Grieve (Ephesians 4:30).

The Holy Spirit is our foundation. This Spirit of God will write things on your heart. He will help you to love more.

When we are living in heaven’s eternity, the Lord will bring our love story to each of us. Beloved, we will see and feel His glory that He shared with us to its fullest. We have this to look forward to and it will never be taken away. We will not find the words to say to Jesus. There will be tears of love that He will collect and put in His heart. Your tears, my tears, He collects for His heart. What words can be spoken that carries what we will feel in that moment. This moment and for eternity is why we were created. We will see and understand God’s grace and mercy that He shared with us. With eternity on His mind, God gave us our engagement ring. Then our hearts and knees will bow and we shall say, “Here are your Beloved for eternity. We love you.