Where God Placed You For His Kingdom

Are you content where God has placed you? I am talking about your physical address. This is one of the things that has caused me to struggle. In the past, I have allowed this to cause my heart to ache. I am ok with the location I am at, but I wanted more land. At one time, I allowed this to become sin. It was on my mind a lot. I will not admit if it sneaks back now and then.

I have been married twice. My first husband decided he did not want to be a father or a husband. A day after that there was no money for food or anything. He had the only car. I am not going to tell the story about my children and me. God took very good care of us. But I do not want to see my children, or any child hungry again. I thought of ways where that would never happen. Those thoughts would come and go.

There are two children’s homes within a few miles from me. These homes allowed me to express my love for children. There was one child that I will never forget. Her name was Tina. For ten years I was allowed to love her. I have not seen her now for about 45 plus years. I will always love her. I am so thankful that God allowed me to love her.

Every Christmas our church would list families that were not able to give their children a Christmas. The Lord would always touch my heart. He caused more love to grow. I always tried to choose the family with the most children. My children learned from this kind of love.

One of our television stations had a segment once a week with children that wanted to be adopted. The Lord told me no, but I still watched it, just in case He changed His mind. My mind still remembers one of the children that I wanted to love so much. She was 12 years old with red hair and freckles. My love for her did lead me to pray for her.

Another thing I love is animals. If I had a lot of land, I would go to every kill shelter around and rescue all that I could. My heart is really burdened for horses in kill pens.

Also, I wanted cabins, to help people when they needed a place to stay on my ranch. On this ranch. I could rent cabins out on weekends to help bring money into the ranch. But the one rent house we have can help.

God had been totally silent concerning a ranch. My one-sided communication with God felt like my words were landing on deaf ears. But I still talked to him. I ever thought out building requirements and so forth. One day I was talking to Him about cows and how beneficial they would be. God finally said something. He said, “Now Diana, do you really think you could have a cow killed?” I pondered for a moment and said, “No.” All these years, God had been listening to me carrying on and on. I have not talked about a ranch again, but it is still in my heart. I have never brought up the subject of cows.

So I said all of this to share how one can sin, by not being content. Even if it is for a noble cause, it can be a sin. There is nothing wrong with having dreams. Dreams can cause one to better themselves or improve your circumstances. Without dreams, we could not start a business.

Sometimes dreams are passed down to our children or others. Once I shared a building design with a stranger. Within a year he had accomplished what I shared. That accomplishment was beneficial to his family and the community. So ask God and sees what He says. Don’t let it consume you and become sin.

Dreams come from three sources. The first are dreams that come from you. Discuss them with God, before you venture in trying to make them come true without God.

Second, dreams can come from Satan., to keep us from advancing in what God wants us to do. Again, pray.

The third dream can come from God. He places them in your heart. We need to be sure that our dreams are owned by God. God is to be the source of all our fulfillment. Our thoughts and dreams are to be birth by the Lord. Because they are birth by God, you will have joy as you move forward. Beloved, pray. If your dreams are from the Lord, expect problems from Satan. Prayer is important because it invites God into your circumstances. Only He can fight this battle.

I have heard people say that they don’t need to pray. If God wants it to come about, He will cause it to happen. Prayer is vital in all that you do. How can God direct you if you do not call upon His name and you listen? Make God the owner of your dreams. Don’t let it consume you and your thinking. Open your heart to God and rely on Him.