To Be Held By The Spirit Of God

Beloved, the Holy Spirit is the key in a Christian life. God the Father, loved us so abundantly that He left us with a gift that transcends our imagination. But my Dear Ones, most of God’s children reduces the power of the Holy Spirit because we violate His sovereign will. Sin is anything that we do or don’t do out of the will of God. A lot of God’s children do not know the Holy Spirit. Now He will help a Christian when we quench Him but we reduce His power. Sometimes just by not asking Him to do something like asking Him for wisdom. It is He that fills us and brings peace to our most inward parts of our being. He is the One that takes our prayers to Jesus and He talks to the Father on our behalf. It is the Holy Spirit that enables us to stay and explain God’s Word, to pray without ceasing and to worship. It is the Holy Spirit that leads us in His ways. One of the most things I love about the Holy Spirit is that he leads us to The Throne Room of God.

God calls us to get alone with Him, to seek His presence, to develop a mind like His and receive His Word. This call is a Divine urge to commune with Him.

A good person to study is Moses. Moses longed for the presences of God in his life. This longing was intense in nature. I believe this determined the intensity of God’s touch on Moses life. Moses accepted the divine urge God gave Him. Many do not let this intensity grow within them. They miss being touched by God.

One thing about Moses and God’s relationship is that God caused Moses to wait before He spoke. I guess God wanted to see if Moses was serious. although God knew and it was for our benefit. This is where we fall short, myself included. If you have prayed and not met with God, then you have only made it half way…maybe. Do you leave your prayer time before you feel the presence of God? Passage after passage in the Bible tells us to wait on God. We need to have this set firmly within us to wait on the Lord and that we will not settle on anything less than a heart to heart communion with Him. It is with this attitude that God will take you to places within Him that are not met by many. One of God’s greatest desire is to take His children deeper into His heart. We are to be so interlocked with the Holy Spirit that we carry God’s presences within us so it will flow out to others.

Next I will write “To Enter The Throne Room Of God.”

Finding God Part 2

At some point God decided to create man and then a woman. God knew them before He made them. God knows the past, He knows everything in the present and all things in the future. Some say that God made man because He was lonely. That is not true. God is God and does not need anyone or anything. If He did need something, then He would no longer be God. God made man so we could enjoy Him and be bathed in His love, glory and holiness.

God knew beforehand that we would not obey Him and reject Him. Since God knows all things in the future, He knew us and loved us before He even created the Earth. God knew we would do things that He could not look upon because He is so perfect. We call that to be Holy. God is so perfect in all things which includes His perfect and vast love for each of us. God knew He would have to suffer for you and me. Now I do not understand the mind of God in that He would want to suffer for us. It’s the perfect love and God’s infinite wisdom that may come into play here, so God would have a people unto Himself.

I believe it is because of this that God expresses Himself in three ways. They are all God of the same God substance but are different in subsistence. The first of the Godhead is God the Father. The second of the Godhead is Emmanuel which means God is with us. We call Him Jesus Christ. God did this so He could reveal Himself to man and suffer and die for the bad things we have done. After Jesus died, He arose from His grave and was alive. Jesus proved He was God.

Jesus was born of a woman just like we were born. The Father of Jesus was not a human. The Father was the third person of the Godhead which is the Holy Spirit. So Jesus is fully God in a human form. This is a forever union. When Jesus went back to heaven, He sat down at the right hand of God the Father.

I would now like to talk about the third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit today is to tell people or convict people that Jesus Christ died for them. God came to earth and was born of a virgin, died for the bad things we have done, that Jesus will return and set up His kingdom here on earth. The Holy Spirit will let this truth be known and each person will accept this truth or reject it and does not want to be a part of it. If the truth is accepted, then the Holy Spirit will come and dwell within a person. This happens instantaneous when a person accepts Jesus death for them.

Do you remember that I said God will give proof that He is the One True God. Do you remember that God would give you a supernatural engagement ring. If you believe these thing about Jesus Christ, God will give that supernatural engagement ring in that the Holy Spirit will come to dwell within you. This Spirit will lead you, teach you and bring the presences of God into your life. As to how much of God we feel will depend on how much we give to Christ. We are to give Ourselves completely. The world should not be able to tell where our personality ends and Jesus’s personality begins. That is our goal as a Christian.

One day Jesus will return to Earth and will reign over all. Let the Holy Spirit rule over your heart.

One of my peacocks