In This Unique Time

In this unique time of this generation, we need to go forth to bring the weary and lost to the fold of peace and hope. Prayer is necessary for the Holy Spirit to go before us. I believe God has prepared circumstances to prepare people to accept and love Him. But, His voice for this generation is you. Will you accept Jesus’s commission?

We are called to holiness. We are called to speak Truth. Rejoice for God is preparing the hearts of many during this time. Be counted worthy to be His Voice. Take His divine assignment.

I believe , what we are experiencing now, is not the pains in the tribulation, but the pains that could launch us into the pains of the tribulation. We are in the period that is mentioned in Matthew 24:14, in that the gospel is preached in the whole world. When you take the word of mouth, television, and computers, I think it has been preached throughout the world. But there are more to rescue.

This is a fierce spiritual battle, which bleeds into the physical. I have never seen so many physical battles in just one year. Think about how many things are happening all at once. We have the pandemic which hurt many families. We have economic problems stemming from the pandemic. We can add fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and the list goes on.

Cancer seems to invade so many families. My family before me did not experience cancer. My daughter died at the age of 14 from cancer. My husband survived. I have cancer in the lungs and now maybe cancer elsewhere. Cancer centers are crowded with people of all ages.

Through all though, you can make spiritual deposits by teaching others about Jesus and give them love with joy. Ask God to put love in your heart for Him and others. From that comes joy and peace.

World Economics Changed For One

My daughter Tiffany needed braces. We decided we did not want to pay it over a period of 18 months. A few years earlier, we had invested in some gold. I shared with my husband that the price of gold was lower than what we had paid for it. We talked it over and decided to sell it on a certain date which was about three weeks later. I watched the price of gold and it stayed low. When we woke up on the target date, the price was over what we had paid. My husband went to the bank and collected the money. We had more than enough. The following day, the gold dropped back down to the low price it was before our sell date. I wondered how many other Christians needed to sell their gold that day. Or were we the only ones. Did God change the price of gold just for us? That thought does not really matter. What matters is that our loving Father changed the world economics for one family.

Before this point in time, God did test our obedience concerning money. When you have four or five children plus who ever they brought home, the food in the house could be slim. That would be the time God would ask us to do something. It could have been to give money or food to someone. One time it was to buy a sleeping bag for a homeless person. When we were obedient, God would always have someone ask our family over for dinner or unexpected money would arrive.

We believed and taught our children that a family works together and to not expect money for chores. Sometimes we would pay for things they wanted. We paid for extra school activities. For example an instrument for band, pep squad uniforms, choir outfits and Gold Duster uniforms.

We now have grandchildren and they are taught not to expect money when they help us. Two of our children live in near by towns and we would rather spoil our grandchildren. They never know if we will pay them. We do have some pre-arranged work for pay. For example, my health prevents me from feeding my animals. I have horses, peacocks, ducks and chickens. Feeding them is not easy especially when it rains. Plus one day a week the younger ones will help the older ones feed. We all know that most of the time by doing this, it takes longer.

My children have taught my grandchildren to give a tenth of what they make back to the church. This warms my heart with such joy. The preschool children may give all they have to missionaries. I have seen my teenage grandchildren give all they have to someone in

Sharing your money begins in your heart. Giving money to spread the news about Jesus generally begins with how much you love Jesus and letting it to spill over in other areas.

Beloved, give some time to your church and the spreading of the words of Jesus. Many forget about giving time to help the church or others.

Now, I do understand the fear of living from pay check to pay check. Please start saving a little at a time toward getting out of debt. An excellent study for your finances is Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Institute. It is wise to tithe (giving a tenth of your income) to your church and watch and see what God will do. But if you do this trying to get God give you more…well that will not work. All things are done because of your love. I took a class that was free at a local church.

Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Institute: