Angels are given charge to children. Psalm 91:

There is no greater gift to an unborn child than to feel you worship Jesus. Let your unborn child feel the presences of God before they are born. God already knows those precious ones. God has already given angels charge over them. God has already breathe on them.

At this marvelous conception, not only are they given physical DNA, but also their spiritual DNA. It is here at this time that the unborn inherit a place within them, the urge to know God and a sin nature. Remember God said that sin nature is passed down by man.

A mother can help develop a child of God. Allow this child to feel the presences of God through worship and praises to the Almighty. Sing praises and listen to Christian music. Bach stated that all music should be written and sung to the glory of God.

Many mothers have listened to music before a child is born to introduced them to be relaxed when going to sleep. Then they will do so after their birth to fall asleep in a peaceful state. I can’t remember if it was Bach or another but it was suggested that music should be a 4/4 count.

We are commanded in Deuteronomy 6:6-7, that we are to teach our children diligently the things of God. We are to talk of them when we sit in our house and when one walks by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.

I taught my children when we needed to cross traffic to ask God to “part the traffic” for us. This helps them to accept help in all things. To help them develop a habit of praying about all things. You can come up with things that are tailored for your children.

We need to teach our children how important they are to us and how often they are in God’s thoughts. God has precious and beautiful thoughts of them that is more numerous than each grain of sand (Psalm 139: 13-18). God thought of them before they were a thought of ours (Jeremiah 1:5). Remind them that they were a gift to you from God. Beloved, please remember, you are to be a reflection of God. If you love your children like Jesus, then they will understand Jesus love for them.

I would like to mention here about a study that was done. If both parents take their children to church regularly, then 75% of them will remain in church as adults. If only the father takes them to church by himself, then only 50% will remain in church as adults. If a mother takes them to church by herself,only 15% will remain in church as adults. If children take themselves to church, then only 8% will remain in church. I am thankful that God does not go by surveys and moves where He pleases. Remember though that the only thing we take to heaven with us are the souls that God has allowed us to plant seeds of Him within others.

Now for the older children and adult children of God. One of the Ten Commandments spoken by God is found in Exodus 20:12 which says to honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged. Yes, it says that your days may be long. Do you want to live a long time? Then respect and love your father and mother.

This is repeated in Ephesians 6:1-3, with the promise that you may live long on the earth. It is important to the child to be obedient for Christ. It is here that says a child should take care of their parents upon them aging as an obligation to Christ.

Ephesians 6:4 adds something else concerning children. It tell fathers not to provoke the children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instructions of the Lord.

Anger is a mighty destroyer. It can break a person in so many ways that can last a lifetime. A child can lose confidence in approaching God. A child may think God is like their earthy father. Stay in prayer and ask God to put more love in your heart for Him. Ask God how you should bring up your child and impart Godly wisdom to each of them. Respond to children in the fruit of the Spirit. Beloved, be a reflection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My youngest grandson one week old