Do Not Lose Heart

One might ask why I have been writing about pain. Everyone will experience pain throughout their life. The reason that I write about my pain, is to show you that there is hope. To show you that you are not alone in your storm. I will not write about all of my pain because I would cause pain for others. What I have written should be enough to show you that I understand your pain. If you read something, you might say to yourself, “She can’t understand what I am going through. She would not love Jesus if she was going through my pain.” Beloved, everyone will go through challenges. The question is who is going through therm with you.

Let me add one more thing. Every time God calls you to do something no matter how small or large, you will have a crisis. The intensity of the crisis will depend on what God ask of you. Your crisis will be matched plus a little more to what God wants you to do. At the beginning the scales will be tilted in favor of Satan, When you are alone on that scale, there is such a difference. With prayer the scale will change the tilt. Then when Christ enters your circumstance, the scales move in your favor.

Sometimes I may write down a thought. One thought may be just one sentence. Sometimes a few sentences. They may be on a different piece of paper. Sometimes these thoughts are disjointed. I would like to share what I wrote down this week. t There is no flow or rhyming. Just some thoughts,

My Lord,Your voice is like a whisper in my heart. You are always there, whispering. You break through my hurt and pain. You remind me that I am yours…You give me new life with your breath. You renew my heart and mind. You take my tears and put them in your heart,. Then You give my heart a new song. You have inscribed in my heart, Your love and faithfulness. Why do I allow worries to enter my heart for I know You are with me. For deep in Your heart I see my name,. In that Holy silence we share our hearts. You know my name. When I look in Your heart, I see Your blessings. I will look back and see Your love. I will look back and see how you use my suffering for Your glory. I will see Your suffering more clearly. I will have your love within all my being.