A Time Like This

Many questions are being tossed around about God and why He is allowing this virus. Some ask, “Why my loved one?”

We do not have the mind of God. So how can we judge Him? We did not create all that is. It is not our place to be angry with the Creator. In Romans 8:22, it says, ” For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pain of childbirth together until now”]. Also, in Matthew 5:45B. Jesus says, “in order that you may be Sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Adam sinned after creation and caused all mankind to suffer. God can not look upon sin. God did come to earth to die and allow His blood to cover us. My mind has a problem trying to grasp why God chose to save us in this way. But He did and I should respond to his sacrifice with love.

The one thing I believe about this virus is that it will make us stronger. Also, God may have allowed this to happen in order to protect people from a future filled with whatever, Or God may have wanted them home so they could be near Him to love them in heaven. We are in two wars. One that President Trump mentioned. He said we are at war with something we can not see. He was talking about this virus. Also, we are in a spiritual war. Another one we can not see.

This may be birth pains as mentioned in Matthew 24. I do believe this is what we are experiencing. After this period we will begin Revelation, chapter 4 to the end of our time.

You may ask why., You will find that answer in Ephesians 6:10-12. Ephesians 3:10 tells about our warfare and that we are proving to the angels. Angels do not have the Holy Spirit within them so they do not understand how we can love Jesus and not see Him and still love Him when bad things happen to them. This is why our reward will be great. May the Lord give you the strength to endure

Allow the Holy Spirit to bring comfort to you. Pray Psalm 91. Spend time in prayer. The mature Christian is to guide and help baby Christians. In times like these, the mature Christian is being watched. It is important to react to suffering in a way that brings peace and comfort to others. We need to bring understanding and help others to grow. This is a time to help others see and feel the presence of God in each others lives.

Beloved, you are set apart for times like these. You are endowed with the Spirit of God to show peace and love in times like we now face. It is especially important for us to reflect Christ. For you are being watched to see how you react to our own crisis. It is a time to speak boldly about Jesus in all circumstances. Be in prayer and ask God to breathe on your words. Ask God to increase your wisdom so you can be confident in your guiding words and for them to flourish.

I will be praying for all who read my post. I appreciate your prayers too. I have autoimmune problems. I do have to go to my cancer doctor this week for a shot. My husband went to work this morning, so that is in the mix of things. I have a daughter that is a nurse practitioner. They closed her clinic and is having her to go to another town to test people for this virus. My list goes on just like all of you. My Beloved Ones, bathe in God’s glory and be prayerful.