In This Unique Time

In this unique time of this generation, we need to go forth to bring the weary and lost to the fold of peace and hope. Prayer is necessary for the Holy Spirit to go before us. I believe God has prepared circumstances to prepare people to accept and love Him. But, His voice for this generation is you. Will you accept Jesus’s commission?

We are called to holiness. We are called to speak Truth. Rejoice for God is preparing the hearts of many during this time. Be counted worthy to be His Voice. Take His divine assignment.

I believe , what we are experiencing now, is not the pains in the tribulation, but the pains that could launch us into the pains of the tribulation. We are in the period that is mentioned in Matthew 24:14, in that the gospel is preached in the whole world. When you take the word of mouth, television, and computers, I think it has been preached throughout the world. But there are more to rescue.

This is a fierce spiritual battle, which bleeds into the physical. I have never seen so many physical battles in just one year. Think about how many things are happening all at once. We have the pandemic which hurt many families. We have economic problems stemming from the pandemic. We can add fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and the list goes on.

Cancer seems to invade so many families. My family before me did not experience cancer. My daughter died at the age of 14 from cancer. My husband survived. I have cancer in the lungs and now maybe cancer elsewhere. Cancer centers are crowded with people of all ages.

Through all though, you can make spiritual deposits by teaching others about Jesus and give them love with joy. Ask God to put love in your heart for Him and others. From that comes joy and peace.

A Summer of Change

The world is filled with stories of change. This year many people have seen changes due to this pandemic. Beloved, I hope each of your journeys has deepened your relationships with one another. I pray that you have allowed God to divinely influence your heart within your family. Each person is treasured by God. This is a time for us to find the treasure in each of our loved ones.

Many have had these treasured loved ones leave this world to their next world.

We were concerned about my 12 year old grandson and my daughter and son-in-law took him to the Children’s Hospital. Finally they found the cause of his severe pain. His appendix had ruptured. The hospital did allow my daughter and nursing baby to stay with him. They were not allowed to leave and return, so they stayed in the hospital room that was assigned to my grandson.

During this time, my son-in-law’s father was admitted to the hospital. They found he had stage 4 cancer. He died a few days later. His heart stopped on his birthday. They did revive him. The next day, his heart stopped again. He did not survive.

The Children’s hospital allowed my grandson to go home to say good-bye. All knew him as a loving and caring person who loved Christ. He thought of others before himself. His love, as all of us, should become legendary.

God used His children to bring comfort to the family. I remember a quote by Mike Emlet, “Offering comfort begins with your presence because your presence with a person actually incarnates the comfort of God to those experiencing suffering.