In This Unique Time

In this unique time of this generation, we need to go forth to bring the weary and lost to the fold of peace and hope. Prayer is necessary for the Holy Spirit to go before us. I believe God has prepared circumstances to prepare people to accept and love Him. But, His voice for this generation is you. Will you accept Jesus’s commission?

We are called to holiness. We are called to speak Truth. Rejoice for God is preparing the hearts of many during this time. Be counted worthy to be His Voice. Take His divine assignment.

I believe , what we are experiencing now, is not the pains in the tribulation, but the pains that could launch us into the pains of the tribulation. We are in the period that is mentioned in Matthew 24:14, in that the gospel is preached in the whole world. When you take the word of mouth, television, and computers, I think it has been preached throughout the world. But there are more to rescue.

This is a fierce spiritual battle, which bleeds into the physical. I have never seen so many physical battles in just one year. Think about how many things are happening all at once. We have the pandemic which hurt many families. We have economic problems stemming from the pandemic. We can add fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and the list goes on.

Cancer seems to invade so many families. My family before me did not experience cancer. My daughter died at the age of 14 from cancer. My husband survived. I have cancer in the lungs and now maybe cancer elsewhere. Cancer centers are crowded with people of all ages.

Through all though, you can make spiritual deposits by teaching others about Jesus and give them love with joy. Ask God to put love in your heart for Him and others. From that comes joy and peace.


Elijah was God’s hands, feet, and spokesperson. The people worshiped Baal and there were 450 prophets that led the people in the worship of Baal. There were satanic demons behind this worship. Out of God’s mercy and love for His people, God wanted to show them that He was greater than all things. God showed them that he was “the mighty God.” God took all the power of the demons away while He showed His people His power.

Jezebel was not pleased when she heard what happened (Read I Kings 18). She sent Elijah a message She threatened to kill him in 24 hours. Elijah became terrified.

Elijah had just witnessed the power of God. He knew that God had made the demons powerless. Elijah, like Christans, who overcame in an intense spiritual battle, felt a reaction. He became weak physically, mentally and even spiritually. One needs to be prayerful after a victory in order to be prepared for temptations and attacks after a mighty work. Tenth Avenue North has a song that says that our fear has to face God. Those words touched my soul.

Out of fear, Elijah ran for his life. He left his servant in Beersheba and he went a day’s journey into the wildness. He rested under a juniper tree. Elijah was afraid and depressed to the point that he wanted God to take his life. He did not rest in God at this time. He had for 3 1/2 years before this time. Don’t judge Christians when they become fearful and discouraged. All of us at times see the circumstances instead of resting in God.

God understood Elijah’s complete exhaustion and lovingly shows His care for him in a practical way. God sent an angel to care for Elijah.

An angel prepared freshly baked bread, which was warm with plenty of water. He woke Elijah and told him to eat. Then Elijah went back to sleep.

After Elijah slept, the angel woke him again. The angel urged Elijah to eat again because Elijah’s journey would be long.

God waited until Elijah was refreshed by the food and sleep. Elijah traveled for 40 days and nights. Elijah wondered because he was still afraid and depressed, but he went to the same mountain where God revealed Himself to Moses. Elijah found a cave and went into it. The Lord began to reveal Himself to Elijah. God began by asking a question so that Elijah would speak to Him. God never wants His children to repress questions or feelings. God desires that we pour them out in prayer to Him.

Elijah, once again felt fear. He told God that he was the only one left that worshiped Him. He felt like a failure. God did not put Elijah down. God only showed Elijah His power out side the cave. God did not speak to Elijah until he returned to the cave. Then he heard that gentle whisper in the same way we hear God as Christians. Be still and be confident that God is with you.

I left many things out of this post. Please read I Kings 18 and 19.