This is a picture of my spina bifida child. There is so much joy in her.

God has a purpose for your pain. A reason for your struggles, and a reward for you being faithful. Don’t give up. Amen

I do not know who said the above, but I believe it. I have seen the pain my daughter endured. I have endless pain and can not take many medications that are given to us by the doctors. But I do know that I have a loving God. Yesterday I experienced God filling my heart to the point that I thought my chest would split wide open. As I mention in “Enter The Throne Room of God” I completely forgot to ask God to heal me. All I could do was cry tears of love. Now during this time with the Lord, there was no pain. But there was pain after the time with God. When I went to my Bible Study last night (Bible Study Fellowship)., I was in pain and was shaking when I arrived at my classroom. I did not notice when it all stopped. One of the ladies mentioned that I was not shaking. There was a lot of joy in that room for our Lord Jesus. We talked about it for a moment. One may not know if someone is watching you. You may be an inspiration to others. You may be an answer to someone’s prayer. That is why I must trust God while enduring endless pain.

There are so many in this world that suffers endless physical pain. And just as many suffering emotionally, mental and spiritual pain. This is the main reason I started this blog. My Hope is that by sharing things in my life, it may help others find courage. It helps to know that you are not the only one suffering. You are never alone. Jesus can be with you.

What do you say to the God of all? What do you say to the God you love? What do you say to the Creator of all things? What do you say to a presence of Love when it is unfolding within you. What do you say to the one that broke down your walls to save you? What do you say to the beauty of God’s Love which heals your soul and spirit?

I know many do not understand these things. Even Christians may not understand. I only know if you endure these things, Jesus will reward you. But we do not do things for a reward. We do things to prove to the world and the heavens that no matter what happens, we love our Lord Jesus. (Ephesians 3:10) Let everyone see You in me.

I will lift my eyes to you, my Lord. In my pain, I will rest in Your loving arms. Even Your shadow brings comfort. Council me while I sleep (Psalm 16:7). Let Your mercy always be upon me. Open my heart and show me Your will. I surrender my will to You. Help me to live in Your will. Give me the courage to fulfill your will. Forgive me of all my sins so that you may fill and live in my heart for an eternity. I was lost and you found me. Thank you my Lord Jesus.

Such sweet courage.

I have seen this child curled up on the floor crying in pain. I have seen her when a sheet on the bed caused her pain. I remember her saying, “God knows what He is doing. I remember the car spinning and spinning and heading for an overpass and she cried out “Jesus Save Us Now.” In an instant, Jesus did save us. It was like he took the car and parked it on the side of the road. Precious memories to praise God.