One of my treasured son-in-law’s and a grandbaby

Jesus taught eternal truth that only believers could understand and accept. His parables withheld deeper truth from those who were merely curious or skeptical, both as an act of judgment and grace. He revealed that His unstoppable kingdom would encounter opposition but prevail and grow in ways that defy logic. Believers are to look different than the world as we show the goodness God has planted within us. The faithful minority who accept Him and join His kingdom cause will seek and find worth in this life that surpasses anything else. Christ’s love for and sacrifice on behalf of His children demonstrates their value to Him. While living in a physical world, spiritual realities matter. People who avoid or reject God and His truth in this life will enter eternity as God’s enemies — a frightful and final destiny.

God’s intimate and accurate assessment of every human heart assures that He knows His children by name. The warnings and encouragement contained in Jesus ‘ parables continue to speak today. This world cherishes what will rot, fade, and be destroyed. Only eternal treasure will remain. Jesus called His disciples and calls us to believe the truth and build our lives on His eternal realities. Like the disciples, we are to acknowledge and commit to what we do understand, which is enough to change our lives forever. Believers will experience abundant rich life now and spend eternity basking in the infinite truth and eternal worship of Jesus. This is the greatest treasure that can ever be known.*

This short study was taken from a Bible Study lesson from Bible Study Fellowship, Matthew Lesson 14, Page 149.

This bible study is worldwide. To find a group near you, go to bsf.org.

I was first introduced to BSF in the 1980s. They meet during the school year and do not meet when the children are off for holidays, breaks, and summer. Many have children’s programs. They are taught the same lesson as the adults but presented appropriately for each age group. Also, there are men’s classes.

Although I have been in this Bible study for years, (we go through the whole Bible) there is something new for me to learn in each lesson. One of the first things I learned, was how to allow the Holy Spirit to teach me and how important prayer is before I would begin each study.