That Empty Place In You

Beloved, God seeks you. He wants to restore what sin has damaged. In His mercy, He wants to rescue you. Oh, how He wants to have sweet fellowship with you for all eternity. Can you feel Him tugging at your heart? He loves you so much.

When God created us, He made a place for the Holy Spirit to dwell within us so that we could fellowship with Him. We can feel this empty place within us. Some describe it as being lonely or incomplete. Some try to fill this empty, unhappy feeling with material things or drugs. Those things will not satisfy that empty place within you.

God has a free gift for all that want to fill that place within them with love for Him.

Beloved, God decided long ago, that He would come to earth in the form of a man. This man was called Jesus, the Christ, or Emmanuel, which means, God is with us. Jesus never sinned. Everyone that lived on earth before He died and after He died, did sin. God is Holy. He can not look upon sin.

I will not pretend I understand all of this, because I do not. Maybe in heaven, in His spirit form, in all His glory, God can not sook upon sin. When God came to earth, He left so much of Himself there to become Jesus. Jesus was the part of God that man murdered.

This was God’s decision. I don’t know how or why Jesus’ blood paid for our sins, but when we accept Jesus’ payment for our sins, God accepts us and can look upon us. Instead of seeing sin, God sees the blood of Jesus.

Remember me telling you about that empty space within you and if you accepted Jesus’ payment for your sin, that space will be filled. Well, a part of God, known as the Holy Spirit, comes and lives within you. The Holy Spirit is like an engagement ring. You become a bride of Christ. Someday He will return for you in all His glory. No one can take that ring from you.

You may ask me, “How do I know all of this is true?” I know because the Holy Spirit lives within me. He tells me it is true.

I must believe that God loves me so much that He came to earth by being born of a virgin and died on the cross for my sins. Then tell God that you are sorry for all the bad things you have done and that you believe that Jesus came and suffered and died for your sins. Thank Him for making a way for you to come to Him and saving you. Commit your life to live for Him. He will return one day and will reign as King. If you do this and believe it with all your being, you will have a glorious eternal life with God in perfect love. So, commit your life to Jesus Christ.