The Holy Spirit

I have mentioned in the past, that the Holy Spirit is our engagement ring to Jesus Christ. Oh, Beloved, I hope you have learned to remain close to Him. The Holy Spirit is the breath of God within us. One can not learn the truth and awe of the scripture without Him. The Holy Spirit is the one that takes scripture from the head and moves it to the heart. There He gives those words illumination to light our path.

The Holy Spirit helps us to pray in the Father’s will. The Holy Spirit helps us to lay them at the feet of Jesus. I imagine then they are discussed with the Father.

Now I do not understand the complete workings of God and how He moves. But this past week I traveled to New Mexico by plane with my husband. I pray for safe travel when flying. On the return home, my husband and I boarded a new plane. The door was closed and we waited to start taxing to the runway. At some point in time, we were suddenly told that the plane was no longer in service and we were to exit the plane and go to a different gate and wait. After everyone left, my husband went to the exit and waited there for my scooter to be brought up from the belly of the plane. I waited in my seat on the third roll. My husband overheard someone talking from near the cockpit. They said, “I could not release the plane with a Code F (something).

Beloved, pray without ceasing. Then in between those breaths, give thanks.